Youngkin pulls ahead in Virginia Governors Race

I personally find this difficult to believe.

But maybe enough Virginians have come to their senses to tell the Dems to fuck off.
bambino's Avatar
Did they poll the Dominion machines?
  • Tiny
  • 10-28-2021, 05:54 PM
I'd love to see him win. Youngkin's the better candidate. He's not a career politician.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He won’t win, the ballot box stuffers will be out in full force.
I'd love to see him win. Youngkin's the better candidate. He's not a career politician. Originally Posted by Tiny
He’s not a sleaze bag piece of shit either like his Clintonian opponent.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He won’t win, the ballot box stuffers will be out in full force. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
maybe not ..

what's that old saying .. "Fool me once ... "


‘Vulnerable to manipulation’: Virginia GOP guard unattended ballot drop boxes

The Republican Party of Virginia, unnerved by the high number of drop boxes around the commonwealth that are not monitored by public officials, has deployed volunteers to keep an eye on the ballot receptacles.

Drop-box voting, launched by the state’s Democratic-run government in 2020 as part of COVID-19 measures, is a ballot security issue for the state GOP as Virginians decide the close governor’s race between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

“You have them in secure locations, namely in the registrar’s office, and they’re only accessible to the public, obviously, during business hours of the registrar’s office,” Virginia Republican Party Chairman Rich Anderson told The Washington Times. “But once they’re outside, those are the ones we’re concerned about — that somebody could go drive up to one under current law and dump a bushel basket of ballots in there.”

He added, “I kid you not. It’s hard to believe, but it is legal under Virginia law because it just simply doesn’t address [security] one way or the other.”

The Virginia Democratic Party and the Virginia Department of Elections did not respond to requests for comment.
winn dixie's Avatar
Democrats are banking on this election as a predictor to 2022.
bambino's Avatar
Democrats are banking on this election as a predictor to 2022. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yeah, they need to figure out new algorithms to beat the wave.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
VA is blue and corrupt AF. If Younkin comes within 10 points it’s bad news for democrats.
  • oeb11
  • 10-29-2021, 05:41 AM
The virginia DmocratiCommunists are scared - and their Voter Fraud division is working overtime to stuff and fake ballots
They legalized their own Voter Fraud system - so we can no longer call them criminals.

Which they ARE!

TWK - thank you for the report!
Conservatives must mobilize and protect the Right of teh Vote for Citizens - and from Voter Fraud of either party.

Free, fair, and transparent election results trusted by teh electorate are necessary for teh People's Trust in their elected governance.

if teh DemocratiCommunists destroy that - and they are trying hard - we are in trouble as a representative Democracy.

buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Imagine, the former President and Deity, Barack Obama stumps for you. The VP stumps for you ( he doesn't want Biden any where near Virginia ). The Goddess of the Democrats ( sorry AOC ) Stacey Abrams interrupts her busy woke, sorry, work, to stump for McCauliff.

They have now all put their eggs in one basket. Can you imagine the humiliation if the American people reject Obama, Harris and Abrams? I can.
bambino's Avatar
Imagine, the former President and Deity, Barack Obama stumps for you. The VP stumps for you ( he doesn't want Biden any where near Virginia ). The Goddess of the Democrats ( sorry AOC ) Stacey Abrams interrupts her busy woke, sorry, work, to stump for McCauliff.

They have now all put their eggs in one basket. Can you imagine the humiliation if the American people reject Obama, Harris and Abrams? I can. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I think the people of Virginia already have. But hey, all the Dems need is the correct algorithm.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A couple of things could happen; MaCauliff pulls off a narrow victory or Youngkin wins a substantial victory. There are thousands of poll watchers already on the job. I imagine that if they dems, like they do, try to cheat they will get caught this time. The people of Virginia are already amped up. Imagine a scandal involving the entire DNC to cheat the people of the state. You want a Civil War or Revolution? There is nothing to say that it can't happen one state at a time. I can see angry crowd going after all the democrats and looking for a wall.
Imagine, the former President and Deity, Barack Obama stumps for you. The VP stumps for you ( he doesn't want Biden any where near Virginia ). The Goddess of the Democrats ( sorry AOC ) Stacey Abrams interrupts her busy woke, sorry, work, to stump for McCauliff.

They have now all put their eggs in one basket. Can you imagine the humiliation if the American people reject Obama, Harris and Abrams? I can. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Too right, Hedo - ALL those liberal louts were out there
stumping for McCaullife.

And his poll numbers DROPPED!

### Salty
Youngkin has been campaigning alone. No baggage, even though that piece of shit of an opponent of his is calling him everything from a racist to a Trump clone.

One huge bright spot for Youngkin. “Knee Pads” Harris will be in State campaigning for ole Terry Mac.