For Now I Believe Justin Fairfax

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Let me be clear...I believe Justin Fairfax...but the two white guys..the Governor and now the State Attorney general are guilty as fuck of wearing black face as they admitted it...because they're not your typical racist Republican I'm torn on whether or not they should resign as I do believe people can change and when they do should be considered for forgiveness..even though they cant be shielded from the consequences..the difference with Republicans is that they are intertwined with the murderous KKK and Republicans never or rarely change from their racism. Its embedded in them from cradle to grave. So that's a major difference here.

As for Fairfax...Not that it has never happened in history...and not saying that criminal guys dont rape women but I do have a hard time believing that any reasonable guy (which he seems) would be stupid enough to force a woman to suck his dick..which is what his accuser is alleging...when she could bite it off or cause eternal damage. Complicating Justin Fairfax's case is the fact that his accuser has admitted that in her past she was repeatedly raped by someone in her family over a period of years...which means when she's having sex or being intimate with someone her head is definitely all fucked up. She definitely complicated things with that revelation it's not looking good for her. For now I'm gonna believe Justin unless she can provide reasonable doubt. She admitted to consensual kissing to start so her burden of proof is high. Me too movement is out of control.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
And yes by comparison Trump is guilty as he admitted that he assaults women and kisses them and grabs them by the pussy without their consent.
Yawn .....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yawn ..... , I thought SC went to Canada or Venezuela ( LOL)
winn dixie's Avatar
Yawn ..... , I thought SC went to Canada or Venezuela ( LOL) Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Thought he/she was going to New York.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you know another woman has come out against justin fairfuck.. she says that he raped her in 2000.
  • Tiny
  • 02-08-2019, 09:28 PM
Let me be clear...I believe Justin Fairfax...but the two white guys..the Governor and now the State Attorney general are guilty as fuck of wearing black face as they admitted it...because they're not your typical racist Republican I'm torn on whether or not they should resign Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Hmm, one guy's accused of sexual assault and the other two of wearing black faces. That's kind of like comparing a kid who knifed his teacher to a couple of others who didn't clean up their crayons.

I thought the KKK was the military wing of the Democratic Party, created to kill Blacks and Republicans.
winn dixie's Avatar
Thats what the lib agenda teaches. Racism is worst than Rape.
And infanticide!!
The OP is the WORST racist of ALL!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thats what the lib agenda teaches. Racism is worst than Rape. Originally Posted by winn dixie
But the dim-retards ARE embracing racism.

Let me be clear...I believe Justin Fairfax...but the two white guys..the Governor and now the State Attorney general are guilty as fuck of wearing black face as they admitted it...because they're not your typical racist Republican I'm torn on whether or not they should resign as I do believe people can change and when they do should be considered for forgiveness..even though they cant be shielded from the consequences..the difference with Republicans is that they are intertwined with the murderous KKK and Republicans never or rarely change from their racism. Its embedded in them from cradle to grave. So that's a major difference here.

As for Fairfax...Not that it has never happened in history...and not saying that criminal guys dont rape women but I do have a hard time believing that any reasonable guy (which he seems) would be stupid enough to force a woman to suck his dick..which is what his accuser is alleging...when she could bite it off or cause eternal damage. Complicating Justin Fairfax's case is the fact that his accuser has admitted that in her past she was repeatedly raped by someone in her family over a period of years...which means when she's having sex or being intimate with someone her head is definitely all fucked up. She definitely complicated things with that revelation it's not looking good for her. For now I'm gonna believe Justin unless she can provide reasonable doubt. She admitted to consensual kissing to start so her burden of proof is high. Me too movement is out of control.

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I see where your going with this RACIST diatribe...white are the only racist...blacks can't be racist...but you're the BIGGEST RACIST of the all.
Your flawed logic...if you even had any logic at all...spews your identity politics out of every pour of you RACIST body.
You yourself don't realize your laying out the flaw accusations against Kavanaugh in that case you said...I believe he is a with MUCH stronger evidence against a BLACK man it is all BS...we can see right through your racist slanted BS.

More women are coming forward the stories about him and this shit isn't 30 plus years ago...since he is black you circle the are so fucking transparent!!

Your line that the RACIST Democraps...aren't you TYPICAL racist Republicans...what the fuck is that!!
The Republicans intertwine with the the Dems don't...they happen to be FAR FAR more than Republicans...your BS about embedded in Republican from cradle to're keep posting and I'll keep shooting you down!!

I know you like to post your BS nonsense and have no one rebuke've cried out to the mods for help...typical spineless wimp!!
Gore Vidal vs. William Buckley!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Delegate threatens impeachment after second Fairfax accuser comes forward

RICHMOND, VA (WWBT) - Following a second accusation of sexual assault against him, Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, is facing a cascade of calls for his resignation and a potential impeachment.

The new allegation dates to 2000 when Fairfax and the alleged victim were students at Duke University.

A law firm representing Meredith Watson released a statement Friday afternoon saying she was attacked in a “premeditated and aggressive” manner by Fairfax.

LexusLover's Avatar
And yes by comparison Trump is guilty as he admitted that he assaults women and kisses them and grabs them by the pussy without their consent. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Actually, he didn't admit any such thing.

But by all means please keep deluding yourself, which I know sooths your butt hurt feelings caused by wealthy, powerful men having women wanting to fuck them and suck their dicks so much they get pissed when they can't do it anymore and try to blackmail them of some of their wealth.

But you did vote for this guy, didn't you?

A problem with all the false attacks on Trump is that it's a failed attempt to divert attention away from the REAL FLAWS of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpHypoc ricy ....

Some women like "bad boys," and some just enjoy the company of PREDATORS!
gfejunkie's Avatar
I hope they all stay in office. Otherwise they will be forgotten by 2020.

A target rich environment that just can't be bought.

LexusLover's Avatar
I hope they all stay in office. Otherwise they will be forgotten by 2020.

A target rich environment that just can't be bought. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The "environment" being ESTABLISHED by the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers is so "target rich" now if one doesn't "hit" one target it will hit another!

The DNC-Schmuckler-Pisslosi group are so fucked up right now and overwhelmed by their own lack of awareness as to "where they are," they don't have enough time to unravel and clear the air.

There complete failure as "representatives" of THE PEOPLE are etched in the minds of those who thought about giving them another chance that the memories of the lies they told to retake the House cannot be masked or erased. Remember: we are for border security and we are opposed to "Pelosi"?

"You lie down with dogs .... you get up with fleas." They ARE INFESTED. Just look at the sputtering on this board! Representative.

They have crazy, nonsensical minority women running their mouths and destroying their base. They CAN'T TELL THEM TO SHUT UP!

The identity politics of the SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers has painted them into a CORNER from which they cannot escape.