I hope this is the beginning of the death throes of the unACA.

This is the biggest liberal Gumment overreach in history.
You know when the left is wringing its hand over getting their huge wealth redistribution done away with once and for all.This is a huge victory for this country and what it stands for.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we shall see if the ACA mandate is still supported or not by the court ruling.

interesting that the the critics say the premise of the ACA lawsuit is weak. they don't explain why its weak. (no fines, no mandate, its not at tax)
rexdutchman's Avatar
LSM shhhh is not explaining why there's a shocker ,,, Because its supported by Tax and Fines
A large part of my vote for Trump was our insurance going from about $350 for a couple to $800 ( and rising, with far fewer companies available ) for just my SO under Obamacare.
Kill it.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny part about the Media Hysteria over how great Odoumber care is they FAILED to point out Most people will pay ALOT more . ^^^ Me too ^^^ ( should be the real me too paying more )
bambino's Avatar
A large part of my vote for Trump was our insurance going from about $350 for a couple to $800 ( and rising, with far fewer companies available ) for just my SO under Obamacare.
Kill it. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
You’re lucky. Mine went to $12000 and $5000 deductible per person. We have two local insurance companies to choose from. We chose UPMC because it was actually cheaper. I rarely go to a doctor. So I never touch the deductible. We need open competition and plans that are tailored to your needs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why not just buy private insurance? You can still do that, right? Or has McConnell taken that away too?

Insurance companies are raping you because they can.

My insurance costs was far worse than that before ACA. They dropped by more than 50% when it came in. Premiums rose afterward, but I was still covered for preexisting conditions, whic( was another way the big insurance companies were fucking us.

I don’t know why people want to make their lives harder by starting over again with the same failed payment models that necessitated ACA to begin with.

Short memories and short sightedness.

Still waiting for the replacement plan that Trump promised .

Don’t think we’ll ever see it. He’ll try and heroically rescue us from another fire he set,

Why not just buy private insurance? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That WAS the cost of private insurance I was referring to.

Under Obamacare, the number of insurance companies serving the metro KC area went from about 70 to 3.

Thanks for the help oh Democrat defenders of the working class.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2019, 09:25 AM
YR does not seem to understand that Bernie and the rest of the DPST clowns advocate medicare for all - with no access to any private insurance.
Complete socialized medicine for all

Except - the Congress Nomenklatura which will keep its' private plan and privileges.

McConnell - show me where he advocates the outlawing of private medical insurance
another Lie by YR!!

That said - ACA is a liberal wet dream of regulations and bureau powers to the government.

It did force coverage for those with pre-existing conditions - the Big insurance companies were cherry-picking .

Republicans are screwing up in their zeal to toss the ACA- Yet fail to have a proposal for replacement with patient protections as per ACA - yet more freedom of choice and less controlling bureaucracy of the government.

DPST candidates know this and will make it an issue in 2020 - and rightfully so.

YR is welcome to his Bernie-Care. See how that works out.
Why not just buy private insurance? You can still do that, right? Or has McConnell taken that away too?

Insurance companies are raping you because they can.

My insurance costs was far worse than that before ACA. They dropped by more than 50% when it came in. Premiums rose afterward, but I was still covered for preexisting conditions, whic( was another way the big insurance companies were fucking us.

I don’t know why people want to make their lives harder by starting over again with the same failed payment models that necessitated ACA to begin with.

Short memories and short sightedness.

Still waiting for the replacement plan that Trump promised .

Don’t think we’ll ever see it. He’ll try and heroically rescue us from another fire he set,

https://www.politico.com/story/2019/...reform-1247632 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
If you read the article on that rag they were wringing their hands over the lost of "subsidies" AKA giveaways.

The mandate for healthy people to buy insurance to cover those that can't afford it...complete forced SOCIALISM...this shit is unconstitutional, but the feel good liberals can easily bankrupt us with their compassion.

Preexisting conditions can bankrupt an insurance company if enough people are insured that have them.I have insurance with my employer and was never asked about preexisting conditions when I enrolled...because it's a group plan. If a person has preexisting conditions when they apply for individual healthcare the actuarials involved would and will cost the insurance companies much more than a healthy person.

This is on the lines of the liberal battle cry "end poverty now"...LBJ and the great society over 50 plus years ago with TRILLIONS spent and the poverty line...if you believe the left it greater now?? If this is isn't case study for failed liberal policy then what is??

YR you try to make it seem that the unACA is a good thing...the vast majority of the PAYING insured have proof that it isn't. The ones that tout this unconstitutional law as a good thing are the ones that were paying nothing or very little in the first place. So the left wants to double down with medicare for all when studies show medicare is on the road to insolvency sooner that expected.

I want ONE person to show me ONE thing that the Gumment has not royally fucked up...as the "Great One" said...The Gummet is the problem NOT the solution!!

The liberals want to take away your freedoms and the Conservatives want you to have more!!

rexdutchman's Avatar
AP to day: "Judges question why Odumber care should remain" Soooo "is the head dead yet"
The progressive just cant say "Start over"
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2019, 08:46 AM
BB - in general I agree with you
Except that Insurance is a risk Pool - and when the pool of patients with pre-existinig conditions is spread to all insurance providors - it is not a bankruptcy risk.

Insurance is a capitalistic enterprise, and expects a reasonable profit.

We must balance that v Patient Care.

Yes, it is a bit socialistic, just like social security.

I think most of us are prepared to pay a bit more for coverage that is cost-effective and not gouging the consumer There must be a middle ground.

Unfortunately, government is terrible at any nationwide business such as this. It always becomes a tax and spend boondoggle.

Republicans are missing the opportunity to offer a reasonable alternative to ACA.
OEB- The Gumment can't run anything...you mentioned SS...it's on a road to insolvency as is Medicare.
I don't know about you but my premiums have gone up 60% in the time the unACA took affect...my insurance deductible is $7k before they pay one fucking cent. You can't let the Gumment control such a massive portion of the us economy and not call it huge Gumment over reach.

All you have to do is look at the Democraps running for the presidency and some want complete control ( front runner cammy harris)or a form there of.

More competition and the ability to sell it across state line would greatly reduce the cost...the Gumment needs to get their ass out of healthcare...all this Gumment over site drives up the cost.

All the people I work with and the people I associate with ALL are paying more and getting less...socialism of ANY kind is NEVER the answer...just look at Venezuela.

There are so many stories about the horrors of socialized medicine and people waiting for procedures and dying on waiting lists...being denied life saving care because their Gumment didn't want to pay for it.

Obummer lied about keeping your own doctor and your premiums wouldn't go up, he had to..there wasn't ONE Republican that voted for this unconstitutional terrible legislation...and rightfully so!!

The words of the Great One were never more true..."the Gumment is problem not the solution"...get the Gumment out of your way and let the America people do what they do best...make this country the greatest in the world...American exceptionalism!!

"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they are ignorant ~ it's just that they know so much that isn't so!" - Ronald Reagan

  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2019, 01:46 PM
bb= I am not arguing with you - you have valid points I agree with.

Any business the Government controls is mis-managed and a financial disaster.

The ACA is hobbled by over-regulation and expenses of the management bureau - all true!

I still think Republicans are missing the boat by not having a competitive replacement proposal based on sound financial principles, with protection for people abused by an out of control insurance system that cherry-picked which patients to serve, meanwhile taking people's money.

Patients with a pre-existing condition deserve access to coverage - not automatic refusal by the companies.

There is a needed middle ground.

Conservatives are falling into the trap the DPST's will pillory them for in elections 2020.
bb= I am not arguing with you - you have valid points I agree with.

Any business the Government controls is mis-managed and a financial disaster.

The ACA is hobbled by over-regulation and expenses of the management bureau - all true!

I still think Republicans are missing the boat by not having a competitive replacement proposal based on sound financial principles, with protection for people abused by an out of control insurance system that cherry-picked which patients to serve, meanwhile taking people's money.

Patients with a pre-existing condition deserve access to coverage - not automatic refusal by the companies.

There is a needed middle ground.

Conservatives are falling into the trap the DPST's will pillory them for in elections 2020. Originally Posted by oeb11
OEB- But the false premise is having the Gumment involve in it at all.

The Gumment doesn't help just about ANYTHING.
With the Gumment involved AKA bureaucracy is what drives the price up...I say Gumment get out of my healthcare!!
Please explain to me how the Gumment can make my healthcare better no matter leftwing or rightwing.

I understand your concern about people with pre-existing conditions but they have a high risk pool and those are much higher premiums because of actuarial that cost much more...high risk drivers pay much more then good drivers...it's just the way insurance is.

The left tries to convince you that healthcare is as right...it isn't...with that logic where do you draw the line as to what is and isn't a right...this is a VERY slippery slope.

I'm a compassionate person but you can bankrupt everyone with compassion for others...we need to be very pragmatic on the approach to the issue.