Encounter: First visit kpop

Date: Mid june
Name: Alice
Phone: See website
Email Address: As above
URL / Website: Kpopgirls.net
City: Near the airport
State: Texas
Address: Nice facility once I found it. A little complicated on first visit
Activities: Shower dfk, Russian, some other stuff see ROS
Hair Length and Color: Long straight natural
Age: 30s?
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: She says first time in states. A little standoffish at first. Attractive with nice body. She has very natural tits. They hang like real breasts. Reminds me somewhat of Jenny's. She looked much prettier once she relaxed and started to smile.
Recommendation: Yes
Dr-epg's Avatar
It should not be a scavenger hunt finding contact information
They specifically ask not to share anything not accessible on the website. Thus, my referral there. Sorry to irritate, just trying to honor requests.
  • Hatey
  • 06-22-2024, 02:15 PM
Does she look like the pictures provided?
Since when doing A RE on them it shows to be a cam girl let us know
HenrySwanson's Avatar

Here's the reverse image search of the model they PSed and smile onto...this girl looks like she is not in the mood for her photo-shoot at all.

So gotta ask, since this probably is not the Chinese girl from the website above, does she resemble her or is it just some other girl who was pretty enough, but NOT the girl in the pics?
They are not the same person. She is attractive, but not close to girl in photos. Thought I was pretty clear in my ROS.

Looking at the photos in your link I think they chose those because the common aversion to smiling?
HenrySwanson's Avatar
Sorry, missed that part of the ROS, my bad.

And nothing against you LR. I hate it when they use a completely different person's photos, and a thot at that. I realize photos are expensive from a pro, but selfies are dirt cheap. BK has been guilty of this as well.
No offense taken. I agree.

And by the way, thank you a thousand times for directing me to Haru!