Brown showers

A provider in Austin has been advertising Brown showers, I know what the are and have seen movies, my question is is there anybody out there that is in to this, is it risky, and why do you like it, I love golden showers but this seems over the line,
Risks for engaging in brown showers -
Feces is not relatively sterile like urine. It contains a multitude of bacteria and potentially viruses. Norovirus, hepatitis B and C are easily transmitted through contact with fecal matter. If consumed, the risks go up greatly. However, a healthy person engaging in this with another healthy person (up to date STD tests) is only slightly riskier than receptive bareback sex. If consumed, due to the high prevalence of bacteria and the increased (but still relatively small) possibility of transmission of the HIV virus (fecal matter contains dead blood cells in a healthy person, and possibly live blood cells if they suffer from a variety of conditions) makes it a much higher risk activity. HOWEVER, a reasonably healthy person with intact skin has about the same chance of catching something as someone swimming in a pond in the middle of a Texas summer.

There is also the possibility of transmission of various parasites, a much larger risk if the giver has travelled outside the US or consumed raw or undercooked meats/fish/chicken. For just physical contact, the risk is quite small, but if consuming the risk jumps drastically.

Plus it smells, and the smell can be difficult to remove afterwards. Some people recommend tomato juice, others recommend lemon juice.

Then again, people jump out of planes, drive drunk, and visit providers - all activities with inherent risks of equal or greater consequence. You have to decide whether the reward is worth the risk.

If you are serious about engaging in this activity, I would recommend doing more research as well as getting your hepatitis vaccines prior to starting. And honestly, if you are in the hobby at all, I would recommend doing the research and getting your hepatitis vaccines.

Solemate62's Avatar
Just to be clear I have no intention of ever doing this
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Just to be clear I have no intention of ever doing this Originally Posted by Jeffrey Spaulding
Oh, it's alright if you HAD considered exploring this option.

I thought about it. I do assist with enemas at times and enjoy anal play and so I run into poop at times as a matter of course. (Hope I didn't gross anyone out!)

But for me, and I've considered it as well, it's not something that I'm comfortable with. Mostly, there's the ick factor but also (like badbottom pointed out so well) the health concerns.

And I just don't wish to be pooped on. Guess that's the bottom (ha. bottom!) line.

Good topic, though! If you do a search in Another Realm for scat play, there are a few other topics about it.

SoSexyMsT's Avatar
Already done it! It was awkward for, but i dont pass judgment...And im not on the receiving end...
  • 11-21-2016, 01:11 PM
That's one I just couldn't imagine myself doing like Elizabeth whispers said just seems uncomfortable