Question for all those- really- into Bdsm ? Dom /sub etc..?.

I hope I don't get in big trouble for asking this I couldn't post this question The Sandbox because it's sort of hobby related . In my real world life . I love Bdsm . Love it !!!! But 99% of the time .... I prefer to be the Sub . Or Bottom or Slave or Brat . I am a Switch and occasionally love to be the Domme.... Dominatrix. ..or Fem Dom . But I'M not a pro like one of the ladies on here . It's highly highly unsafe to be the Sub or Slave or Brat- in the Hobby ..... I would have no clue how to do it safely ....wouldn't that just scream for a Dom or Master to take advantage of me...AND HURT ME ???... We try to find out before the session if he's safe ... or legit... make sure he's not LE. Or the best we can..... so that Is my question .... How can. I do BDSM SAFELY .... IN THE HOBBY WORLD ??? OR IS IT ONLY SAFE TO BE THE DOMME... or Dominatrix where I am the only in control . I bbet some of you ladies have some great advice for me .... Scarlett?? Goth chic??? TemptationTammie ??? Guys can answer too ......thanks everyone! !!!! Love ya !!!!!
Ranchhand's Avatar
To be a sub in the BSDM world, you have to put your COMPLETE trust in the person you are with. Anything other than that, then your putting yourself in danger. In my opinion you could only do that with a client that you have seen, or one that you know very well. Being a provider is one thing but being a sub is a whole different story. I myself have wanted to dabble in that world, but as I said it has to be a complete trust in someone you know.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
There is a complete trust in that type of venture, however there are different levels as well. It might be best to start out with minimal sub related activity and build up. Or make sure parameters are set before that kind of session.
I am personally neither a sub nor a domme. But I am more on the submissive side. I don't mind the man taking charge or LIMITED manhandling, but not into pain of any type.
Guest062716's Avatar
FWIW, there is a national subforum, called "another realm", that may offer a wider audience for these discussions.

DallasRain's Avatar
Yep post this in another realm...good luck
1) Do not lose the vibrating toy in your sub's butt. 2) Make sure the toy is meant for the right hole. This is very important. Just saying. It's very awkward having to plop it out like you layed a golden egg.

The above is just a fabricated story and never happened to me. I've also been known to spin a few tall tales. Sex has never sent me to the er, but if it did I know I could count on my BDSM partner to kick me out of the car on the curb and call the er to come out and get me.
Above all, don't forget the fucking peanut butter!!!! Very important.

All jokes aside, spend some time in another realm.
Thank you ALL ~ for the great advice ... I will post in the other forum .. ( but ...gotta get up the nerve to do it one more time ... lol).... and Scarlett ... Thank you . You made me laugh .. ha ha . Pm me ..more ... about the peanut butter .... lol . Love ... Naughty .
knotty man's Avatar
The peanut butter, comes from a love story about a boy and his dog, Which ended up totally sideways.
Scarlett, has yet to let me forget it! ;-)
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---1) Do not lose the vibrating toy in your sub's butt. 2) Make sure the toy is meant for the right hole. This is very important. Just saying. It's very awkward having to plop it out like you layed a golden egg.

lol...been there/done that!
Ha ha ha . You all make me laugh. Yes I'm a better sub - than a Dom. And .... ummm....I'd rather eat the peanut butter , not play with it . Lol . .