Outdated photos & disappointment questions... should a client have to pay?

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I am just wondering how often you all think a provider should update their pics?

As a woman I know weight goes up and down and so does appearance. I change my look often (hair, different makeup styles, ect) and I try to update my photos as often as I can even if it is just a cell phone or webcam pic.

Recently I have lost over 15lbs so I know I am due for some new photos, I am not at my goal yet so I am going to hold off on pro pics but I have tried to include some webcam/camera phone photos so nobody is surprised or disappointed when they open the door. (some guys like thicker women) I am not losing weight for vanity I am doing it to be healthy and I feel great btw.

If a provider has outdated body photos in her showcase and avatar i.e over a year old and a client is not happy with what he sees should that client have to pay the lady for her time?? I mean I think the misrepresentation cancels out any need for him to have to pay right?

I think this also applies to heavily photoshopped photos as well right? I am going to have my first professional photo shoot soon and of course professional pics are edited but as long as the provider also has some candid non edited photos such as camera phone/webcam pics you all dont mind right?

Yes we have to prepare, some more than others and we also can turn down other appointments and miss out on other money but if the guy is not attracted to the lady due to outdated photos or he does not feel comfortable due to the environment or maybe he just got a bad vibe should he have to still pay if he chooses to leave right away? I know if I get a bad vibe about a client and I ask him to leave I am not going to expect him to pay for my time.

I would rather have a client leave then go through with a session he is not into and end up writing me a bad review.

What are your thoughts on this ladies and gentlemen?
Lunytunz's Avatar
Jules, there is a similar thread ongoing with AmberRain. This exact circumstance occurred to her. I posted there, so I will not go into detail here. However, if I am "surprised" at the door with her appearance, uncomfortable with the environment, or have an overall bad feeling about the potential visit. I would apologize for the misunderstanding, offer a small tip and politely excuse myself. After all, I believe a tip is in good form as she, hopefully, prepare for our visit. However, if no bcd activity occurred, no full payment is, in my opinion, required.
Lunytunz's Avatar
By the way, congratulations on your weight loss. It is quite hard work and you should be congratulated on your success. Cheers to your health!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Thanks so much hun... and yes that thread is what got me to thinking about this. I agree a tip is in good faith but if the gent feels he was mislead and feels like it was in fact HIS time that was wasted and he does not tip is that really alert worthy?
at the very least a provider should update her pics every 90 days, and in most cases sooner, for instance, if you cut your hair from long down your back to short barely to your shoulders, 15-20 lbs or more of weight gain, (or lost weight in your case, Jules) and plenty of other reasons.

A client NEVER has to pay a donation if he does not receive the "service" regardless of the situation. As far as the pics go, it all depends on several factors one of which is, did the provider not only say the pics were hers, BUT ALSO a current representation of her and she looks nothing like the pics, he should walk. Also, alot of the showcase and ad pics are photo shopped, heavy make-up, dressed up, ect. and those are not a REAL representation of the provider, IMO.

As long as it is a "fair" representation of the provider, most guys will stay and do the session, and even if it is good session, when he writes a review, he will recommend, but he will say the provider misrepresents her pics.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-08-2012, 12:53 PM
Have ya seen her new ass pictures? BOING!

Proud of ya mama!

Since everyone needs a computer and a cell phone to be in this business, I don't see why candid pics being updated every month at minimum is an issue.

Hell, when I post my ads, I usually change them every week. You can get great shots with just a webcam and TIME to be patient. Hell, all we do is sit around all day waiting on the phone to ring anyways. *wink*

About the leaving issue, or the "close call" issue... I think that good faith is a small donation for the trouble gone through. Wouldn't know anything about this, as I usually don't give anyone time to leave, I nearly rape 'em at the door.

Now, if the guy feels cheated, then I am at a loss for words on what most guys would think a reasonable solution.
daty/o's Avatar

If a provider has outdated body photos in her showcase and avatar i.e over a year old and a client is not happy with what he sees should that client have to pay the lady for her time?? I mean I think the misrepresentation cancels out any need for him to have to pay right? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Damn, I have to hand it to you, Jules; that is a very responsible attitude to have. It's no wonder you have such a following. IMO, a provider should only have to update their pics and showcase info every six months or so for age purposes, unless, like you said, there was a dramatic change in appearance. And only something that dramatic should ever justify a clients cancellation for misrepresentation. Hell, I'm just grateful that providers don't charge some of us by what they see when they open the door.
Every six months. And the combination of studio shots with cell phone pics is a good idea.
Every 3mos. Lots can change in 3mos.
Short answer: No the gentleman should not have to pay.

Great post. Unsafe or filthy surroundings, suspicious or illegal activities are valid reasons for a turn and run scenario with NO compensation.

To directly answer your question though, pics are tough. If I had a nickel for every time the real thing didn't meet the the pictures provided, I'd be hobbying for free today. However, we all know some are more photogenic than others. (For example, not only an I grotesque, but I photograph poorly making matters even worse!) So sometimes there is a pleasant surprise.

Naturally, even minimally photoshopped pro photos will portray an individual in their best light, posed to minimize flaws or problem areas. Make up is another great concealer. In my case, because I'm often involved in product photo shoots for work, I can figure out where there might be some "creative license" being taken. So I try and factor that along with a lady's posted stats into the equation to create a range of expectations. (By the way, your showcase pics look to be spot on, so it would be interesting to actually meet.)

Hair color and length change, so a current profile helps there. Some folks change minimally over time, others change in 60 days, noticeably. So there's no easy answer to how often pics should be updated. No one would ever criticize for more frequently though.

The fact that we all interpret stats and photo's differently leaves the door wide open for disappointment. I'd say that if a lady unfairly represents herself in stats and pics, a gent is within his rights to turn and walk if the real thing is a far cry from what was portrayed. If it's just a minor disappointment then fulfilling the session or providing a reasonable tip for good will is certainly appropriate.

Just my $0.02
Thanks for askin'!

I was going to go an a sarcastic rant about how old and/or misleading a lot of the pics are...but ze nailed it, so why whine? A LOT of ladies update their pics on a leap year schedule. Or every couple of leap years. Are ya listenin'? This is the year...

And if you don't like what you see when you get there, you can walk. Or you can tip a little and walk, or you can go in, have a crappy time and write a "misleading pics crappy time" review. Three options the ladies don't have when they see US!
diud-diud's Avatar
Jules, there is a similar thread ongoing with AmberRain. This exact circumstance occurred to her. I posted there, so I will not go into detail here. However, if I am "surprised" at the door with her appearance, uncomfortable with the environment, or have an overall bad feeling about the potential visit. I would apologize for the misunderstanding, offer a small tip and politely excuse myself. After all, I believe a tip is in good form as she, hopefully, prepare for our visit. However, if no bcd activity occurred, no full payment is, in my opinion, required. Originally Posted by Lunytunz

I like your answer, but would have to add that in cases where, I feel the the "surprise" is deliberate, like misleading or fake pictures, or the environment or bad feeling is caused intentionally or by neglect that could have been corrected prior to my visit, then I don't feel a tip in warranted in that situation.
Blubba's Avatar
This scenario has happened to me more than a few times, where I get to the door and see something quite different from what was advertised. First of all, it is very rare for the pictures to be exactly accurate which is totally understandable. I am talking about a BIG difference.

My reaction depends on the degree of deceit. If the pictures are totally false, then I am leaving immediately without paying a cent. This is in my mind equivalent to a hobbyist paying with an envelope filled with paper.

If the pictures are old, so the provider is obviously older and perhaps heavier, then I am probably going to pay for half the time and leave and politely explain that I can't go through with it without hurting any feelings. What I would say is "I'm sorry I can't go ahead, but let me pay your for 30 minutes of your time and be on my way".

If we go ahead, and I discover that something is not right once the clothes are off (bad smells for example), then I am going to pay full price and leave. The way I see it, it is the risk that is inherent in this business. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Needless to say, I'm not leaving a tip in this case.
Iaintliein's Avatar
As noted, posing, lighting, post processing etc., can all detract from photographic "accuracy".

How about listing a current dress size? Would that be a good indicator?

As to your question, no, he shouldn't have to pay, though he often will, then it's the provider's reputation that actually pays!