Originally Posted by sms918 - Don't think they have a category for male providers.
ECCIE has never been Male Provider friendly. To be more specific, ECCIE Hobbiests have never been Male Provider friendly. They are nothing more than Eye Candy for the ladies. Let's be honest and real world here, what Female Provider is going to pay a Male Provider? Many Female Providers can barely handle their own finances month to month without blowing all their money before rent is due. How do they expect to keep their own Hobby Fund when they get paid to have sex with old, fat, balding guys like us.?
We have seen a few appear in the Welcome Wagon in Dallas over the years, but the disappear pretty quick. We had a Female Provider review a Male Provider in Dallas a few years back and she was raked over the coals pretty hard by the Dallas guys. Their response was they are here to review female providers and Female Providers reviewing Male Providers was an abomination.