I quickly realized my mistake & deleted it, but I would like to share my perspective in the appropriate forum.

I happen to know that the guy who made this report has serious issues.
The last time I was in LR, he scheduled an appointment with me and acted like it was supposed to take place 2 hours earlier than it was actually scheduled for.
He angrily cancelled when I was on my way out the door, on time, on the way to his place. When he originally scheduled, he told me that he wanted an overnight "if things went well," but then told me that evening that he had to be done & out of the house by 8 or 8:30pm, indicating he never had any intention of having an overnight at all.
Throughout the screening & scheduling process, he was temperamental, overreactive & nonsensical---and very often, rude and insulting. Kendall had to guide him through the process...and honestly, it was a problem from square one. He didn't even want to disclose who his references were. He said that "was a private matter" between him and the other providers.

Thanks for your efforts to make that happen, Kendall. You're a sweetie and you went above and beyond the call of duty. Sometimes, there's just nothing you can do to help people, though... The problematic ones, especially.
I'm not saying that Lyric didn't act inappropriately... However, I am saying that there's two sides to every story and the reviewer isn't exactly credible in my book.