Happy Birthday OSD!!

"going to AC for a birthday drink, look for the pick hat if you dare.

OSD free till I return, latter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111"

Happy Birthday Offsfhore -don't light all the candles, we don't want to burn the place down!

jymie - Can you find the birthday cake emoticon?
Happy Birthday!!!!
brutusbluto's Avatar
Thanks jymie!
brutusbluto's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pink pink pink hat,(not pick) It was ok, cher gave me birthday kiss and I had a beer then coffee. Most of the talk was about some things that went down there at AC. Don't want to go into it. But not from burning candles. Left for the Barrel, barmaid that knows me and and dancer that is a friend, feed me tequila. Then went to see a provider that feed me brownies and icecream. And to work off the tequila. That went much better now that she's got new place coming together somewhat. The two UTR's I know gave me a call, each to wish me well.

I want to thank someone for trying to setup a better time. Wished it worked out. Maybe another time.

Thanks Perryay for this thread, and all for the replys. Some day I would like to meet more from here for a Drink.
Many more OSD..
ben dover's Avatar
Geez...sorry I missed it so ..belated Happy Birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday OSD.
Mine is creeping up fast ( the BIG 60!) God help me!.
01/23 got to figure out a little present for myself.
any suggestions?
Happy Birthday OSD!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
OSD, we're still waiting for your Birthday Report.
jamesm637119's Avatar
Happy Birthday
offshoredrilling's Avatar
OSD, we're still waiting for your Birthday Report. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
has not been 90 days, has not been 90 days. Yesterday, day of. Today is UTR day. one down one to go.

ATF, called as I was napping, after working outside. The call was before plan. Asked what are you doing right now. Ahh nap before shower to wait for your call latter. Better plan, pick me up now. Ok. So off to pick her up just as she was done doing her driveway. Get room and get ready together for each other. Is it just me, watching a girl shave her leggs in the shower before you wash each others back. Is hot. Dry each other off. Then paint nails, I help with the toes. Bush each others hair. Are the the nails dry yet. Good, make mess of each others hair. Latter for some reason both need to take another shower. She gets in nice outfit looking ready to out for diner. She calls her mother. Yes ma I can make it, what time you want me. ready now. But you will have to take me home. Drop off at her mothers to go out for dinner latter. Its strange, every UTR I see. I have met the mothers of. Each know many of there ahhhhhh guy friends. And what is really going on. Its strange. more maybe latter on that.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Well was talking to "one I use to see the most" as her health problems have put hunter in the I see the most. Could not go over to see her. As she was not feeling well. But we talked over the phone for almost a hour and a half. Short call for her. Her mother got on for a bit to wish me a happy day after.
At one year older, I find I miss the ways of old. I may have waited to long to join boards. After that call logged off and went to the AC, dead night. So here I am.

Keeping my moon dial set. Keeps me in the know of what I'm in for.

thanks all