Senile Biden's State Dept forces mandatory pronouns to their signatures

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WATCH: AP’s Matt Lee asks Biden State Department why they’ve added mandatory pronouns onto the from line on State Department emails.

"This is not an optional thing. … But the problem is that a lot of them or at least some of them so far, as I’ve been able to tell, are wrong! They’re giving the wrong pronouns! So men are being identified as women and women as men.... It's ridiculous!"

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UPDATE - After being caught and exposed and embarassed, a State Dept spokesperson now is singing a different tune: "This change was unintentional and the bureau is working to correct this immediately."
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OMG - Senile Biden and the Crazy Ass leftists Strike Again. And the sad thing is each of us taxpayers are paying for this insanity

State Department Offers Counseling To Misgendered Employees Triggered By Email Pronoun Debacle

'I deeply regret the confusion and distress this mistake caused our workforce'

The State Department will offer counseling to any employee "who feels hurt or upset" by a system-wide email glitch that temporarily assigned random and often incorrect gender pronouns to staff.

The State Department is offering free therapy to "any employee who feels hurt or upset as a result of this unfortunate mistake," according to an internal email that went out to employees on Friday. Many State Department employees were "triggered" on Thursday, when emails from colleagues suddenly began to include random pronouns, like, "She/her/hers" and "He/Him/His" in the "from" line.

The pronouns were randomly assigned, with men being given female pronouns and vice versa, due to a "pronoun glitch" in the department’s system, the Washington Free Beacon first reported.

Those upset by the misgendering are encouraged to contact the State Department’s Employee Consultation Service "to speak to a professional counselor."