Who Dat Nation Pledge of Allegiance

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
I pledge allegiance 2 da Saints and 2 da great city of New Orleans and 2 da Super Bowl, 4 which we will win, 1 city, B low C level, under God, with Mardi Gras and alcohol 4 all.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
That's a good one. Me likey!!
DallasRain's Avatar
love it!!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Wish I could take credit for it, but it came from a friend in Florida, of all places. He also sent the following, aimed, I think, at the NFL:

YouDat, KnewDat, Trying to claim our WhoDat!!!

BooDat, ScrewDat, we'll never let you DoDat!!

HeDat SheDat, We ARE the nation WHODAT!!!! GetDat?

GotDat? and Oh you Best Believe Dat!!!