Should you tip?

When going to a massage spa, should you tip the owner if she is the one giving the Massage? When I go to small owner operated restaurants I will tip the help but not the owner if they are the waitress. I figure they are making enough unlike the help. They usually hardly make anything without their tips.
When going to a massage spa, should you tip the owner if she is the one giving the Massage? When I go to small owner operated restaurants I will tip the help but not the owner if they are the waitress. I figure they are making enough unlike the help. They usually hardly make anything without their tips. Originally Posted by bypass
Thats the most fucked up view on tipping ive ever heard lol.
HDGristle's Avatar
My payments are based on time and service. Time is what it is. Better service, better tip.

Don't care if it's owner or not.
HDGristle's Avatar
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laserface's Avatar
My general policy is that I don't tip someone who sets their own compensation.
bambino's Avatar
^ yes^
  • El-mo
  • 07-02-2020, 12:29 PM
This isn’t a restaurant or barbershop. Everyone knows that at a massage parlor, the “tip“ is the fee for the service you really came there for.
I tip the same whether owner or help. It’s respectful and that carries both ways where the owners tell new girls to take care of me. This has especially been helpful during Covid times where I can Reach out to owners and have discreet fun regardless of whether things are officially open or not. Sure folks can save $40 but the investment does pay off with quality services. Just my take on it.
I agree and tip based on the service. The tip is for the service in what we are discussing. For dinner drinks caddie at my club etc. I tip at the higher end of the scale and have found it pays dividends back in a big way.
Yes. You tip. Doesn’t matter if they own the place.
chizzy's Avatar
They do the job and are nice I tip, besides u may be tipping the owner and not even know it. Look at it this way, if u go see a hookerand tip her....
bambino's Avatar
They do the job and are nice I tip, besides u may be tipping the owner and not even know it. Look at it this way, if u go see a hookerand tip her.... Originally Posted by chizzy
I usually bring some Chizzy Choo Baconators. They seem to be a big hit!
chizzy's Avatar
I usually bring some Chizzy Choo Baconators. They seem to be a big hit! Originally Posted by bambino

I think my chocolates were responsible for a few extra pounds on some of the ladies bam
Growing up in Pittsburgh 60's and 70's, it was one of the rules of life, don't tip the owner
I tip the wait staff at a restaurant, but not the owner or manager (unless they are filling in for the wait staff). So I don't see why you wouldn't tip.

But as mentioned above, the 'tip' is just the additional fee