Smart Meter Opponents Want To Opt Out

SEE3772's Avatar
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Oooh, "radiation" a scary word. Besides, these so called "smart" meters are really "elite" meters seeking to control our lives. We are against anything "smart" in our lives dammit. We want "dumb" meters!

The frickin' "radiation is the same as their wireless network in their home and coffee shot, their blue tooth stereo and their cell phone. Don't f&*^%'n sleep with your head on the meter and you should be OK dumbass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually I posted last month about a woman who was arrested and another who had her electricity cut off because they didn't want smart meters. Chicago and Ohio.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You people(?) are a bunch of dumb fucks. But, thanks for the humorous links to the endless stupidity of uninformed paranoiacs.

Naturally, Francis the Talking Corneyhole steps up, pounding his manly chest (haw haw haw) to steal SEE's "thunder" (more like a popcorn fart) by providing factual evidence that His Intellectual Wonderfulness was johnny-on-the-spot to ferret out this dastardly conspiracy to brainwash us all, or irradiate us into oblivion. Unfortunately, one can't make this shit up.