Just wait until they do this to your healthcare

OMGitsHuge's Avatar
Life just isn't fair. The only way to make things fair is to tear down one group so they don't have more than another group. This is exactly what is wrong with liberal thinking. Destroying something one group worked hard for so another group doesn't feel bad. Unbelievable. I could totally understand this if the school\public had paid for this. In this case it was the parents who paid for this. Read the article.


Your thoughts if any.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-29-2014, 08:22 AM
Life ain't fair...learn that early and one will be happier in life.
This is the kind of nonsense we get out of education bureaucracies, federal, state, and local, who went to college to get degrees in education, or worse yet, education administration/management, only to find that the teaching labor force is fixed, constrained by public budgets and union contracts. The education degrees are useful for little else due to the lack of rigor in education academics. It is common knowledge that an education degree is one of the least rigorous of all higher education protocols, an easy ride for those wanting to maximize their college social experience. The education bureaucracies sop up the excess labor with stuff like this resulting. Call me an academic chauvinist and everything else you can think of, then take a look at the size of the typical school district administration building vs. its size 50 years ago. How large was the federal education bureaucracy 60 years ago when the G.I. bill unleashed the greatest academic/education/economic engine the world has ever seen? It cannot and does not happen today despite stunning student per capita expenditures. Ditsy little charter schools, unburdened by the feds, routinely smack down public schools with their academic achievement. All those poor minority parents fighting Bill DeBlasio and the Wall Street barons who fund charter schools look at comedies like this and nod.
It's going to get worse, a lot worse.... Thanks Obama