Lots of hot girls popping up on bp

Anyone notice more than normal average of hot women popping up on bp lately? Seems pretty suspect. Most of their phone numbers do not have any past ads posted or reviews anywhere.
Last time I noticed that I was super horny.
Bill James's Avatar
Lots of them. Don't know LE?
That's what I'm thinking. Not worth changing!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me mans, how is this an alert? If you're alerting me to hot chicks poping up on BP, that's NOT an alert. IMHO, you sound more like a BP pimp trying to attract attention to BP.
capitan1962's Avatar
Pardon me mans, how is this an alert? If you're alerting me to hot chicks poping up on BP, that's NOT an alert. IMHO, you sound more like a BP pimp trying to attract attention to BP. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
Lol Def not a bp pimp. Just a hobbyist trying to be safe. Please delete the post if not appropriate.
Tread careful,could be pigs. Or bait and switch
moneytalksny's Avatar
Batting 100% on legitimacy of McAllen BP Ads (not LE).
Bait and switch about 35% but pleasantly surprised more than half the time. I leave the other half while saying "you weren't what I was expecting" and highlighting a characteristic opposite of them.
Lots of hotties in Mc. I'm holding out on a few... For a few weeks
mirandalee's Avatar
Maybe they change their phone number a lot like I do lol..
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Anyone notice more than normal average of hot women popping up on bp lately? Seems pretty suspect. Most of their phone numbers do not have any past ads posted or reviews anywhere. Originally Posted by s123mans
Look for that to change pretty quick:

jj_cool's Avatar
LeahAllurah's Avatar
Could be le. Or could be they changed their number recently. There's a lot of different reasons to not have reviews. Some ladies I've met have a no review policy. As for me, I was in Alaska for 2 years and they aren't big on reviews, and before that I worked in the bay area and lost all my reviews when we lost RB... trust your gut. If something feels off just skip it and stay safe.