Trump The New Nazi Hitler Clone Wants A Military Parade! God Help Us All!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Only a traitor, such as yourself, would find our fighting men and women deplorable.
bambino's Avatar
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Trump got the idea from France’s Bastille Day parade. Is Macron a Nazi too? You fucking idiot.
Mods please merge SiS's "Trump is Hitler" threads. Thanks. He has several.
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
If they have a parade, I hope that during the finale, Trump launches an ICBM that explodes over Pyongyang dropping millions of leaflets simply stating "Ours Work!"
NoTell's Avatar
Well to prove my point of Trump wanting to be Hitler he wants to parade tanks and nukes down the streets of Washington past him standing on a podium in homage to himself.
If this doesn’t bother and or scare even you deplorables then you have no sense of what America is even about.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Serious Question on a quote you made.

“What is America all about?”
bambino's Avatar
If they have a parade, I hope that during the finale, Trump launches an ICBM that explodes over Pyongyang dropping millions of leaflets simply stating "Ours Work!" Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Why not nuke San Francisco? Lots of commies there. Pelosi is more dangerous than Un.
Why not nuke San Francisco? Lots of commies there. Pelosi is more dangerous than Un. Originally Posted by bambino
As long as prevailing winds aren't blowing south towards wine country, I don't have a problem with this.
LexusLover's Avatar
As long as prevailing winds aren't blowing south towards wine country, I don't have a problem with this. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Is there any left? Or was that only North of S.F. where the vineyards burned.
Please tell me you understand the lunacy of this! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

You list "Rabbit Scientist" in your Sig Line as one of your "accomplished titles".....and yet you question other people's sanity....tsk tsk tsk, again another failed attempt by SiS.....
StandinStraight's Avatar
Wow you deplorables are further gone than I even thought You really will even defend marching tanks and nukes down American streets. Not one of you have any sense of decency or morality. Please don’t have children the world needs less of you.
Guest123018-4's Avatar

What a twit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2018, 11:28 AM
Maybe Trump can dress up in his finest military garb he used to wear!
NoTell's Avatar
Serious Question on a quote you made.

“What is America all about?” Originally Posted by NoTell

You are the Diet Dr Pepper of Polical Science

One, we know you do not have a college degree

Two, you are unemployed.

And Three, you live with your momma

And if your Mom dies, you will be living in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!! Lol
themystic's Avatar
Maybe Trump can dress up in his finest military garb he used to wear! Originally Posted by WTF
Its just like the real stuff. Even better. Greater. The Greatest