To Leave a Message or Not

I am an appointment kind of guy. Most of my encounters are set up a day or two in advance.

Every once in awhile I will try to set something up last minute. I usually keep a list of people to call when I want to seek out someone new.

Do you reach out via phone 1st so you can talk first and feel each other out. I f so there is a chance it goes to voicemail. Do you leave a message or hang up.

Other times I sent a text, but that get wordy.

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
If it's someone new I read her info of how she likes to
be contacted at first, then go from there

I know don't listen to my VM, lol
My suggestion is to research ahead of time and find at least 8-10 providers (whom you like) that say they can accommodate last minute requests.

Write yourself a little list of them including their profile links and/or emails. If they have their numbers listed, it means they are open to texts as well, so you could also go ahead and save those.

Then, when those days come when you need/want a last minute sesh, you can just easily open your list and work your way through it.If you've got 10 girls you are trying with, chances are at least one of them will be available.

I would say to pay special attention to their hours of availability and also if they specifically say they can accommodate last minute/same day. You could always message them ahead of time to find out if they do.

Speaking from the provider's side of things, it is extremely irritating to receive requests for same day/last minute when you explicitly state that you do not accommodate them, so I would make sure to steer clear of those ladies.