Foooking DPS on Bissy!!!

So ya foooking boy Shine wake up to a laundry list of errands for my OG. So after I finish buying his groceries, dropping off his cleaners, washing his clothes, picking up his Rockets tickets from will call, washing his car and my other G playas cars Shine is exhausted but my dick has a mind of its own and I find myself off of Bissy and beltway 8. I see a hot pawg Blondie right by day foooking Popeyes and T mobile. I almost wrecked my G Rover getting over there. Shiddd, pus and yard bird is my favorite combo. Soon as I pull in the parking lot I'm lit up by a foooking black SUV with no visible markings I can see. I had a full glass of yak so I hurried up and downed that byotch and shoved a thousand mints in my mouth. Out he comes and it's foooking DPS. Damn, I didn't know you'll could stop over here. I'm starting to buzz hard from slamming that drink. Foook!!! I played my buzz off long story short, but got a couple of ticket warrants. Foook, me and da whip going to jail. He showed love and said keep your ass off Bissy and take care of your biz. No prob sir, by the way you want a two piece chicken dinner! He chuckled, got in his car and burnt off. Be careful on Bissy today patnas. Tooodlez.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
Did someone say PUS ? Be right back.....
annie@christophers's Avatar
And boots.
Stay away from that area if you don't have your shit in order. I couldn't do my usual outreach work over there for a few weeks because my sticker was expired and I knew that would be asking for it!

Stick to bicycles, I guess, is the lesson.
What is your outreach bthro....
  • pxmcc
  • 11-07-2018, 12:58 AM
Stay away from that area if you don't have your shit in order. I couldn't do my usual outreach work over there for a few weeks because my sticker was expired and I knew that would be asking for it!

Stick to bicycles, I guess, is the lesson. Originally Posted by B Three

funny ass story shine.
Also bthro, you know your boy Shine is honest, I'm not careless in this hobby but when I get hard it's off to the races. Conventional wisdom goes out the window. Period. I had a bad ex wife and I remember her crying saying Shine why am I not enough for you( back then I was going to escape and wildflower twice a week. I did everything I could to hide it from her but just couldn't bthro. I would gladly go back in time bthro and just go da foook home. Any guy with a so say this shit is just all fun let his fat so get some dick slung up in her and he found out. Most of these dudes would go nuclear, because there is a part in all of us that clings to monogamy in all honesty. Nothing fun about what we do except money for you'll and a nut for us. Let's be honest. Most cats here strip not happy, we just do what we can afford to do to buy a feeling that momentarily helps this life make sense. So me going to bissy riding dirty is just a continuation of me foooking up. Thanks though bthro. Tooodlez.
secondly bthro, I'm secure enough in me to not care about conventional thought. On some days I just want to break open the piggy bank and just foook, but it only lasts a minute, on da other days your wisdom intrigues me, how you stay engaged but never catty or messy, how you are willing to lend a helping hand and not try to impress assholes by being snotty. On most days bthro, I just want to get about 12 cookies and a loaf of bread, head on to the zoo, nibble on cookies and feed the ducks, then ride around the zoo two or three times talking about some non sexual shit that makes sense to me, watch a foooking hell of a drama then discuss it, eat some food that opens up my senses, then perhaps foook maybe once or twice all while paying your overnight or day rate, wanting to foook a pawg who possibly voted only because Cardi b said go to the polls; well bthro without going to jail I'm already foooking up. Tooodlez....
I have a couple of very generous gents who give me Burger King gift cards to hand out to the ladies over there. I also hand out water that has an anti-trafficking hotline number on it and business cards of a local attorney who will handle any of the girls cases for free and get them into a program.

There is a place called The Landing that is a drop in center as well.
VitaMan's Avatar
Easy to get an STD using that area. Most of those providers are desperate, and using it as a last resort, because they can't afford advertising, or advertising hasn't worked.
Instead of buying pussy you might wanna pay them tickets homie. Lol