It is my experience that most sex workers enjoy their chosen career . I have been more into Sugaring than escorts for a while now. The lines are definitely blurry between the two .
For instance a decent looking college student can be a barista for 15 an hour or make 4 - 5 hundred for having a good meal and great sex with an older mature man . Now the ambitious good looking college girl will have 4 SDs per week . That is in the neighborhood of 2K a week all with no taxes and low grocery and entertainment bills . Mind you she even got to chose her SDs so she is having sex with men she selected . Naturally she enjoys this arrangement.
I would imagine most enjoy cash more than the sex . Some sex workers are somewhat indentured servants and don't enjoy it ie mostly the Asian Persuasians you see at AMPs and cheap escort sites . Most of those women owe money because someone else paid to get them to the States. Voluntary indentured servitude .
In short most sex workers enjoy their chosen career path . No woman wants to be a sex worker just for the sex . Money and the ease of getting money for sex work is the main motivation . These women do not do it for the pleasure of sex . For women sex is a tool to earn income . Men however think sex is mainly for pleasure .
Originally Posted by FightFan
That's honestly why I'd probably prefer escorts then sugar babies, I'd rather we just get to the point then for someone to pretend they don't want me to spontaneously get a heart attack the moment she gets my money. Also I have to imagine former sugar babies are gonna have....unusually high standards once they can't sugar baby anymore.