Romney says no tax returns

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 12:11 PM
Democratic presidential strategist Bob Shrum agreed, saying Romney's failure to release his tax returns makes him a "punching bag."

"It does make him a hidden figure and a punching bag," Shrum said. "…I tell you on this tax issue, Steve [Schmidt] and I have both been there. You sit down with the candidate and you say, 'Look, we should release these tax returns.' And either Romney or people in his campaign who have seen it said we'll take worse damage if we release these returns than if we hold on to them. So I think he's going to live with this issue all the way through."
joe bloe's Avatar
If Romney released all the tax returns, Obama's people would pretend to find all sorts of cheating. Obama is already lying about Romney's activites at Bain Capital, according to the Washington Post and

Tax law is extremely complex, particularly for someone with substantial wealth and investments. There's always a way to find something that could be characterized as cheating; it's a matter of interpretation.

There's no way Obama's people would review the returns and announce that Romney was clean as a whistle, even if he was.

It's ridiculous for Obama to demand that Romney go the extra mile in disclosure, when he himself, has done everything to obscure and lie about his own past.
Good for him, if the opposition wanted me to do something the first thing I would do is tell them to fuck off as well. I doubt I will vote for him, but I do admire his uncompromising spirit.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 12:37 PM
If Romney released all the tax returns, Obama's people would pretend to find all sorts of cheating. Obama is already lying about Romney's activites at Bain Capital, according to the Washington Post and

Tax law is extremely complex, particularly for someone with substantial wealth and investments. There's always a way to find something that could be characterized as cheating; it's a matter of interpretation.

There's no way Obama's people would review the returns and announce that Romney was clean as a whistle, even if he was.

It's sickening for Obama to demand that Romney go the extra mile in disclosure, when he himself, has done everything to obscure and lie about his own past. Originally Posted by joe bloe

If Romney released all the tax returns, Obama's people would pretend to find all sorts of cheating


romneys afraid someone will find cheatig on his returns ???

gee, maybe thats why he said releasing them will do him more harm than hiding them

tax law is complex? ... how profound... too bad Romney cant afford a good tax lawyer ... woe is him.
joe bloe's Avatar
Good for him, if the opposition wanted me to do something the first thing I would do is tell them to fuck off as well. I doubt I will vote for him, but I do admire his uncompromising spirit. Originally Posted by nwarounder
I think its a fundamental mistake to let your opponent put you on the defensive. Romney needs to force Obama into defending his miserable failure of an administration. Obama can't run a positive campaign. All he can do is attack.

The best defense is a strong offense. Romney needs to hit Obama hard and not let up.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 12:48 PM
I think its a fundamental mistake to let your opponent put you on the defensive. Romney needs to force Obama into defending his miserable failure of an administration. Obama can't run a positive campaign. All he can do is attack.

The best defense is a strong offense. Romney needs to hit Obama hard and not let up. Originally Posted by joe bloe

all he can do is attack?


damn wonder why Bush 43 didnt think of that when he stomped the living shit out of McCain and Kerry
joe bloe's Avatar
If Romney released all the tax returns, Obama's people would pretend to find all sorts of cheating


romneys afraid someone will find cheatig on his returns ???

gee, maybe thats why he said releasing them will do him more harm than hiding them

tax law is complex? ... how profound... too bad Romney cant afford a good tax lawyer ... woe is him. Originally Posted by CJ7
I'll bet if a team of CPA's reviewed ten years of your tax returns, or anyone else's, with the intention of trying to make you look bad, they could easily make you look like a crook.

I don't think Romney fears a fair review of his tax returns. I think he understands that there's no way Obama's people could resist lying about his returns with the enthusiastic support of 95% of the media.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 01:03 PM
I'll bet if a team of CPA's reviewed ten years of your tax returns, or anyone else's, with the intention of trying to make you look bad. They could easily make you look like a crook.

I don't think Romney fears a fair review of his tax returns. I think he understands that there's no way Obama's people could resist lying about his returns with the enthusiastic support of 95% of the media. Originally Posted by joe bloe

how much are you willing to lose?

everything you think romney fears or doesnt fear is irrelevent

team romney is on record saying releasing the returns will do more harm than good for WHATEVER reason/s they have.

make any and all the excuses for Romney you want, speculate all you want, nothing changes the facts
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 01:07 PM
so much for rightwingers bitching about transparent politicians

they've excused themselves right out of one of their best talking points and dont even know it ....

joe bloe's Avatar
how much are you willing to lose?

everything you think romney fears or doesnt fear is irrelevent

team romney is on record saying releasing the returns will do more harm than good for WHATEVER reason/s they have.

make any and all the excuses for Romney you want, speculate all you want, nothing changes the facts Originally Posted by CJ7
You're argument is even weaker than usual. Why not just admit that I'm right and move on. It would be less embarrassing for you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 01:15 PM
You're argument is even weaker than usual. Why not just admit that I'm right and move on. It would be less embarrassing for you. Originally Posted by joe bloe

what are you right about?

guessing why Romney wont release his returns ?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Aren't there more important issues than this? I mean, really? If he'd done anything illegal, the IRS would be all over it.

Why aren't you as upset at Obama's failure to disclose items from his past? Kind of selective indignation, isn't it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 01:51 PM
Aren't there more important issues than this? I mean, really? If he'd done anything illegal, the IRS would be all over it.

Why aren't you as upset at Obama's failure to disclose items from his past? Kind of selective indignation, isn't it? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

nothing selective about it Romney made his bed .. sure theres more important issues if youre a Romney ass kisser or rightwing excuse machine ...

I'd ask you what Obama is hiding but we already know what you think, and your thoughts have been disproven

now lets address the important issues that you constantly toss at Obie

like how he missed D Day

TheDaliLama's Avatar
This is the kind of BS that makes me ashamed I voted for BO.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-22-2012, 02:08 PM
This is the kind of BS that makes me ashamed I voted for BO. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

I didnt vote for Obie but I agree ... a presidential candidate who refuses to show his tax returns because they woud create more harm than they would help is very shameful