1st Movie To Scare The Shiiiit Out Of You??

DarthMaul's Avatar
Since it's almost Halloween...There is always some scary movie released about this time.

For me...The Excorcist. I was 9 years old and sat on the 2nd row. I didn't sleep for 3 days!! I heard that "Paranormal Activity" is supposed to be scary as shit.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar

I was 9 years old Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Interesting, I was 9 years old too … I begged my mom to take me to see Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III …. She finally gave in and took me one night … I think that was the first time it really dawned on me, that my mom knows best, because it scared the crap out of me and it still does. I swear when I watch that movie I feel like a 9 year old kid again!

Brooke Wilde's Avatar

I heard that "Paranormal Activity" is supposed to be scary as shit. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I am a horror movie buff, they are actually the only kind of movies I ever watch and I just about always can find something I like in any horror movie see …. but paranormal state? WOW … pitifully terrible.

I saw it last year (the 3rd one in the series) and it was SO BAD I actually left the theater mad. I almost went and asked for my money back. It was the biggest load of crap … it actually made me appreciate The Blair Witch Project.

It is so lazy and poorly done, all the paranormal series should have a reduced price at theaters across the country because no way in hell do they deserve to earn the same amount as other movies where much more work, effects and creativity are put forth.

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-21-2012, 10:34 PM
Paranormal activity is ok, at least the first one don't waste time with the rest.

The first movie to scare the shit out of me was E.T. Yeah I know he was a nice alien. But he freaked me out as a kid when they found him in the shed. And then later when he turned white from being sick. E.T. Made little Trey cry.

Modern scary movie to get me was Blair witch. I know right another bad movie to be freaked out by. But I saw that one when it first came out and everyone thought it was real. So it fucked with me.

To tell you the truth I don't watch many horror flicks. I watch em with the chick so she can protect me lol. I can't take em to good she loves them all but things like saw she hates. Saw is just nasty not really horror, seems like that's what horror flicks are now days.

A real dumb one I just saw was human centiped fuckin dumb as shit.
Hahaha crazy thing is Human Centipede is actually a remake and they are in talks for a sequel as well. I try to stay away from scary movies because I have an overactive imagination. My first scary movie was child's play (?) The movie with Chucky the doll. I got my ass beat because I was so terrified that I try to destroy my Barbies in the garbage disposal.
Wizard of Oz. I was probably 6. The scene where the Witch is on the roof of the house threatens the main characters and disappears into smoke.

Most horror movies to me are laughable.

The movie that scares the shit out of me is "Saving Private Ryan."
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Deliverance, my piano teacher took about ten of us on her son's birthday and now the only way I can still get off is to yell, "squeal like a pig, boy" while listening to dueling banjos LOL. Not really, but it sounds twisted so I may have to try it sometime.

A few years later The Deer Hunter really freaked me out too.
The Exorcist for sure. I had a friend that could imitate Satan too well. He would turn the lights on and off and make the sounds/Satan's voice and it would really get to me - I was about 19 years old. The next year, I moved into the fraternity house as his roommate and we had bunk beds so he would be on the lower bed doing it there. I got him to stop by throwing shoes in there at him hard when he would start. Damn that bothered me. I've never seen the movie a second time.
Diabolo's Avatar
For me, The Omen and The Amityville Horror (the one released on 1979).
Rubchasertx's Avatar
For me, The Omen and The Amityville Horror (the one released on 1979). Originally Posted by Diabolo
+1 on Amityville. I was pretty young when it came out and caught it on HBO that my dad had pirated. Freaked me the hell out.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The shining, Nightmare on elm street
nightengale1973's Avatar
Probably the cheesiest movie freaked me out the most. The scene in poltergiest 3, when carol-Ann was looking in the mirror with her hands on the glass and the reflections hands grabbed hers and picked her up off the floor. I actually ran out of the theater. Lol
DarthMaul's Avatar
Wizard of Oz. I was probably 6. The scene where the Witch is on the roof of the house threatens the main characters and disappears into smoke. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Uhh that one scared me for years. Those damn flying monkeys!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Plague of the Zombies, Dracula Prince of Darkness, and Die Monster Die
It was triple feature at the Santa Rosa on Telephone Rd.
Abigail (Source of JOY)'s Avatar
Jaws..I know it's not dark, demon filled, or some crazy nut in the woods, but my anxiety level was through the roof when I finished that movie. To this day, I have a hard time going into the ocean!!