Bill Maher Suffering From Sticker Shock

So, Bill Maher is starting to get concerned about high taxes.

Welcome to the real world.
bojulay's Avatar
Political ideas turning into realities and then WTF!! We actually
have to live with this now. Taxes in California are outrageous
so many people and companies are jumping ship, then who
will be left to pay for everything, and further down it goes.
Classic action/reaction.

The entitlement masses flock to the entitlement states and the ones
paying the bill try and get the hell out.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When almost half of the people pay nothing is half of what you make fair?

If half pays nothing then would the other half paying nothing be fair?

The idea of fairness, that is not truly fair, creates an inequality that divides this nation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Exactly. Thats why we need to make sure the wealthiest 1% pays their fucking taxes!
Apparently Bill Maher, who is in the upper 1%, is tired of paying his "fair Share"
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am no where near the 1 percent and I still pay too much in taxes. I do not piss and moan about the 1 percent either. It is the 49*percent of the 99 percent that needs to unass some taxes. The 1percent pays the bulk of all the taxes and the burden needs to be shared by all.

So, Bill Maher is starting to get concerned about high taxes.

Welcome to the real world. Originally Posted by Jackie S

well when the Hollywood pricks have to pay 75% of their income to the gov. like they do in France maybe they will wise up NOT
I am no where near the 1 percent and I still pay too much in taxes. I do not piss and moan about the 1 percent either. It is the 49*percent of the 99 percent that needs to unass some taxes. The 1percent pays the bulk of all the taxes and the burden needs to be shared by all. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Convincing liberals of that is going to be impossible
texasfeet's Avatar
Bill Maher is an arrogant, smug, elitist douche bag and the biggest crime outside of him having a show is the fact that he dated karrine "superhead" steffans...
Bill Maher is an arrogant, smug, elitist douche bag and the biggest crime outside of him having a show is the fact that he dated karrine "superhead" steffans... Originally Posted by texasfeet
He should be called Bill "superhead" Maher...LOL
Ducbutter's Avatar
Maher says, "I just saw these statistics," he continued, "I mean, something like 70 percent."

Read more:

He just saw the stats?
And he claims republicans live in a bubble. Where the fuck has he been?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2013, 05:19 PM
What you numbnuts fail to realize is that Americans want shit but do not want to pay for it.

That is a problem with our society as a whole, not just the poor.

Anybody bitching about the poor not paying their fair share does not understand regressive taxes or the concept of not being able to squeeze blood from a turnip.
He's getting what he asked for. i don't see why he's bitching.

But he was a bit off when we said "Liberals, you could lose me".

What he really meant to say was "47%, you could lose me".
What you numbnuts fail to realize is that Americans want shit but do not want to pay for it. Wow! Of course! None of us numbnuts EVER realized that. Thank heaven for WTF! He's here to explain the obvious that all the rest of us missed. He has such insight.

That is a problem with our society as a whole, not just the poor. OK. Now you've lost us. If the rich (top 10% or so) are paying over 70% of taxes, then how can they want shit they aren't paying for? Clearly they ARE paying.

Anybody bitching about the poor not paying their fair share does not understand regressive taxes or the concept of not being able to squeeze blood from a turnip. Nooooo. I don't think the complaint is that the poor aren't paying their fair share. It is that they are only too happy to vote for benefits that OTHERS pay for. Originally Posted by WTF
Some day soon, grasshopper, you will post something about taxes and spending that makes just a tiny bit of sense. Until that day, we will keep our fingers crossed.
Originally Posted by WTF
What you numbnuts fail to realize is that Americans want shit but do not want to pay for it. Wow! Of course! None of us numbnuts EVER realized that. Thank heaven for WTF! He's here to explain the obvious that all the rest of us missed. He has such insight. And thank YOU for misunderstanding his point! You failed to connect the next two sentences before condemning this one!

That is a problem with our society as a whole, not just the poor. OK. Now you've lost us. If the rich (top 10% or so) are paying over 70% of taxes, then how can they want shit they aren't paying for? Clearly they ARE paying. And perhaps he was thinking of Exxon-Mobil, General Electric and other corporate asswipes that DON'T pay their fair share but instead get billions in tax subsidies and pay a lower rate than a guy making $40K per year! It sounds as though you think that is a "fair share".

Anybody bitching about the poor not paying their fair share does not understand regressive taxes or the concept of not being able to squeeze blood from a turnip. Nooooo. I don't think the complaint is that the poor aren't paying their fair share. It is that they are only too happy to vote for benefits that OTHERS pay for. Moron alert. Ever try paying to feed, clothe and care for two children on the wages "allotted" by employers who play games with the term "full-time" and hire two workers to work a normal full-time weekly shift in order to avoid paying benefits and even a living wage? Maybe you'd have a more accurate idea of the rut dug for workers if you took some of those things into consideration. Do you realize that Wal-Mart pays a wage so low that over 41% of their work force is eligible for federal income subsidies. You are supposedly a smart guy, right? Why would you think we should be subsidizing Wal-Mart's workforce?

Some day soon, grasshopper, you will post something about taxes and spending that makes just a tiny bit of sense. Until that day, we will keep our fingers crossed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
As far as making sense, "Noel the Moron" at the half-witted Newsbusters site is serial misstater of most facts.

While he may not name Obama in this piece, his bashing of liberals effervesces from his polluted blog articles and his decidedly low-information brain. The fact that Maher's taxes were somewhere in the neighborhood of 55% was because of the California income tax.

Obama's measly suspension of the Bush Tax Cuts accounted for less than 4% of the total taxes paid by ANYONE.

Now, explain to us AGAIN why Exxon-Mobil or General Electric needs to pay a lower tax rate than the divorced mother of two cleaning the floors at Wal-Mart!

The federal deficit has hit a five-year low but you wouldn't know it reading posts by the Rat Wing here!