Father and son

macksback's Avatar
A father and son are at a gas station.The father buys a cigar and a bottle of whisky, He asks his son "Would You like something?" The boy says "A lotto ticket please." The father agrees and buy's him one they then go home.At home the the son see's his father enjoying the whiskey and cigar and asks "Dad can I have a sip of that whiskey?" The father responds "Well can your dick touch your asshole yet?" the son says "no". The father replies "Well when it can you can have a sip."Then the son says "Dad can I have a drag from your cigar?"The father responds "Well can your dick touch your asshole yet?" the son says "no".The father replies " Well when it can, you can have a drag."Later that day the son scratches his lotto ticket and wins 1000 dollars.His father goes up to him and says "son will you give me some of that money?" The son replies "can your dick touch your asshole?" To which father replies "Why yes son it can." The son says good than you can go fuck yourself, your not getting any of my money.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best joke I've read in a LONG time! Thanks!