Curly hair girl northwest highway

There's a walker with curly hair hangs out at the shamrock gas station by royal inn on northwest highway. Anyone seen her?
any other descriptive details? ever since they started "remodeling" the Orange Notel off of Finnell behind the Shell Station on NW Highway, there was a migration of SW's to Shamrock in front of the Royal Inn. but I noticed last week that hardly any of them were around and I did notice increased LE in and around that Shamrock.
would need more detail but leo is very hot in that area right now... if you find one snag it up because its not like it was right now...
Where's the new hot spot?
i saw one today around 1200pm on Harry Hines and Walnut HIll. I waved and she smiled and turned around but i was in a rush. Black girl... prolly a 8 on the SW scale.
I don't see anything in your reply