Krauthammer: Romney Won Unequivocally

joe bloe's Avatar
Charles Krauthammer has one of the brightest minds in the business of political commentary. As usual, his assessment of tonight's debate is right on the money.
yahoo showed Romney got taken to the woodshed
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's a a fucking visionary. Krauthammer is a editing floor cut from "From Dusk Til Dawn."

that you consider him significant speaks volumes for you, your ilk and your intellect.

Every snap poll showed Obama firmly in command of the debate. Even Fox News was in the locker room throwing up! M

  • Laz
  • 10-22-2012, 11:22 PM
Frank Luntz's focus group showed Obama won foreign policy but lost on the economy. They also stated that the economy is what matters so Romney won by bringing in the economy and not being bad on foreign policy.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-22-2012, 11:25 PM
All Obama has to do is win Ohio Wisc and iowa, that takes him to 270.

Romney will not win Ohio and I doubt he will win the other two.

Not only that, I doubt he sweeps the 6 other swing states.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Frank Luntz's focus group showed Obama won foreign policy but lost on the economy. They also stated that the economy is what matters so Romney won by bringing in the economy and not being bad on foreign policy. Originally Posted by Laz
right. Romney showed his labia to the nation tonight, and probably pissed off the far right by acting a bitch.

Oh yeah.., Luntz? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!

do what you want, stinkum. You remember to get out and vote now, yheah?
tttalinky's Avatar
Gov Romney looked Presidential, calm, and in control.

Pres. Obama looked mad, and struggling to make points.
bojulay's Avatar
Romney will win the election with somewhere around or over 300.

Watch the Obama dynasty--Die A Nasty Death--
on election night. ha ha ha

Hey I hear there are a lot of political opportunities
available back in his home country Kenya. ha ha ha
republicans have the voting machines rigged they are a shoo in.Tagg you are it..
funny how the left in here takes ques from the iranian mullahs
markroxny's Avatar
I think Time Magazine got much closer to the mark:

President Obama won the foreign policy debate, cleanly and decisively, on both style and substance. It was as clear a victory as Mitt Romney’s in the first debate. And Romney lost in similar fashion: he seemed nervous, scattered, unconvincing — and he practiced unilateral disarmament, agreeing with Obama hither and yon … on Iraq (as opposed to two weeks ago), on Afghanistan (as opposed to interviews he’s given this fall), on Libya and Syria and Iran. He didn’t have a single creative or elegantly stated foreign policy thought and, indeed, seemed foolish at times, using the word peace about as often as George McGovern in 1972 (not that McGovern was foolish, but Romney has run so hot and aggressive on foreign policy that he seemed a sudden convert to transcendental meditation or Yoko Ono’s secret consort). Romney did have some strong moments — but they were, once again, on the domestic economy. And Obama didn’t have a single weak or unconvincing moment.
Since you like quoting TIME, then you will agree with Mark Halperin (Time's chief political correspondent) on the matter....
Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin told Charlie Rose in May of this year that all Romney has to do is survive being disqualified by the Obama campaign, and that if he can do that and then rise to the occasion by using his VP pick, the convention and the debates, then Romney will likely win:

I think Time Magazine got much closer to the mark: Originally Posted by markroxny
markroxny's Avatar
Gosh Whirl you are reeking of desperation today. LMAO
JakeofTx's Avatar
Uninstalling Obama......... █████████████▒▒▒ 90% complete.
joe bloe's Avatar
Uninstalling Obama......... █████████████▒▒▒ 90% complete. Originally Posted by JakeofTx
We may need to bleach the hard drive.