Politico's John Harris: Obama Diminished Himself As A Commander-In-Chief

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Politico? They are in the bag for Obama. What's this?

One minute video here:

joe bloe's Avatar
Romney demonstrated, in the first debate, that he's fully capable of using very aggressive tactics with success. Romney clearly chose to not be aggressive in the third debate. I think Romney's strategy, in the third debate, was to let Obama be hateful, dishonest and sarcastic and not really fight back. Obama made himself seem very unlikable, to women and the average swing voter, in the third debate; he has lost his strongest asset, likability.
third debate Mittens was treading water...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
third debate Mittens was treading water... Originally Posted by ekim008
I guess that is why he gained a point

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Romney 50%, Obama 46%
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who's tracking poll Captain America?