key party anyone?

knotty man's Avatar
without going into the logistics of it. heres the idea.4 or 5 providers and 4 or 5 hobbyists meet together at a hotel bar and share drinks and convo to loosen up. after a bit the girls put their key in a crown royal bag and go to their room. the guys then draw for keys after the ladies have some time to get ready and we each go in for our session. neither the girls or the guys will know who their getting. after the hour session we return to the bar for more drinks and some now much more relaxed conversation. good chance for a few girls and guys to get to know each other in a much smaller venue. whatcha think?
That's a cool idea... sketchy on the logistics right now, but a cool idea.
is drinking a pre requisite to participate, i dont drink but i love this idea. good thinking we need more of this stuff.

also i wouldnt mind pulling natalie's key.

atxrefman, I wouldn't mind pulling your...

Oops. That's bedroom talk.

Back on topic... I most likely wouldn't be drinking, either, but I can still have a good time while I sip on my H20.

This is starting to sound like a lot of fun. We might have to get into logisitics soon anyways. Privately, of course.
knotty man's Avatar
what i got figured right now is the providers wishing to participate will agree on an hour session fee. the money will be "antied up" as the hobbyists arrive then divided among the ladies. all hobbyists will of couse need to pass screening by EACH of the ladies since no one will know who they are going to get. and of course we wil need to post a list of the ladies participating since no guy will know who they will draw and should be willing to have a nice time with any of these ladies. since there will probably be more guys than girls asking to be a part of this. there will have to be a sort of lottery for the guys passing screening so no one feels snubbed. once the invite list is set then the date will be set as well as the location. hope this works. sounds like sooooo much fun!!
knotty man's Avatar
drinkin is not required or asked. i just meant it as a place to meet in a relaxed and inconspicuious atmosphere. i myself rarely drink. i will definitely NOT drink seeing as i have a drive back to killeen
I PROTEST!!!! jk

what happen to first come first serve.

Just a point of order:

You mentioned that the ladies would throw their keys into the bag. In my experience, a hotel nice enough to have a bar in Austin will run at least $100/night, often closer to $150 or even $200. The hotel room fee could cut into the ladies' donations drastically, so you might want to explore some options regarding that to entice the ladies to play. Perhaps have 2 ladies share a room, and send the couples up in split shifts? Suggestions?

atxrefman, I'll bring my whistle just in case...
knotty man's Avatar
just spitballin right now. any ideas are welcomed. we dont have to meet at a hotel bar. an applebees or some reataurant type bar would be just as great. as far as pricing is concerned i've learned enough to keep my damn mouth shut! lol. just sayin thats between you girls to set your agreed upon fee. the important thing is you ALL agree to the same fee. not sure if this makes a difference ,but dont most of the ladies use the room for the rest of the night for their other incalls too. Again...any ideas are welcomed...i've never tried this before. and if it takes off any help would be appreciated, as im not real good at setting things up and am not to familiar with austin
No worries, knotty. Brainstorming is an important part of the creativity process.

I like the idea of a hotel bar, because of the ease of slipping in and out of the room and rejoining the party without having to drive anywhere.

Most ladies I know wouldn't plan for any additional appointments following a party like this, as they would want to be able to fully enjoy the party without feeling rushed. I personally would head back home after the party, and I rarely take last-minute evening appointments on the weekends because I like to spend that time with my friends and family.

But, knowing that the ladies probably won't want to do an hour session for $100-$150, and the hobbyists aren't likely to want to pay for the entire room in addition to the session, I just figured it warranted some consideration about how a compromise could be reached... i.e., sharing rooms, or slightly increasing donations to cover half of the room cost, etc. I'm sure there are many options out there... perhaps even a hobbyist with a large house and multiple bedrooms would be willing to make it a house party, thus eliminating the hotel fee altogether?

Keep the suggestions coming!
knotty man's Avatar
wow! 100- 150. i like the way you think. i was thinkin closer to the 200- 250 range but thats just me. i love your ideas. keep em' cumming
What if there were two parties, several hours apart. Same ladies, two showings of gents. Doubles the number of gents to share the load. 1 hr social, 1 hr bcd, 1 hr afterglow. Ladies dictate length of half time. Gent team 2 reports for duty. Rinse, repeat.
knotty man's Avatar
now thats an idea! thanks THG
KissLover's Avatar
Key party sounds like an interesting idea.
wow! 100- 150. i like the way you think. i was thinkin closer to the 200- 250 range but thats just me. i love your ideas. keep em' cumming Originally Posted by knotty man
Actually, I was thinking more in the 200-250 range, but subtracted the cost of the hotel room (100-150) from 250 to arrive at the 100-150 figure... which I doubt many ladies will agree to.

A 2-round party sounds like a good option. Maybe even a 2-round party where rooms are each shared by 2 providers. I can easily see the ladies and the gentlemen both being in agreement about "entrance fees" in that case.