I'd like some advice please

Lemme start out by sayin that Im real nervous even finding this site and writing something about what happened to me the other night. Im an older country gent and i dont get out much with all the work I do at my office then on my land so I got real lonely the other night and found a few places to find a nice young lady to spend some time with. Even doin this part of it was hard on me because I was raised to be real respectful of womenfolk. But like I said I was real lonely so I finally found this beautiful gal I thought I might like to spend a lot of time with. We talked on the phone for a long time and it seemed like it took a while for her to get that I was a real nice guy and that I enough money for her. My savings aint much, but this gal was like sunshine to this poor old dog. Her voice was so sweet, she was so very eaasy on the eyes and the things she said shed do to me. Made me get in my car and head on over to her place right quick! Her apartment was pretty far from me but like I said, she seemed to be worth it. I get there and she looks just like her pictures and I was fairly certain my ticker was gonna give out right then and there. She gets me inside and rubs me all over and asks for her money still bein real sweet. Then she sits me down and tells me that shes gonna dance for me first. At this point I can barely breath so I started to unbutton my shirt since I had my tie and all on. Thats when she stopped bein sweet and started shrieking at me that she didn't do nothing illegal and I'd have to leave now. Now I really can't breath. Shes still yelling and I know shes got a lot of neighbors since she lived in one of them student type places so I git to steppin. Made it to my car when it hit me that I'd been had. Snoookered and suckered for being to damn nice. Funny thing is her screamin is what led me here. She was hollerin that I better not post on any sites about her especially not ECKIE. Once i got back home I was pretty damn mad so I got on my computer again and found what she was talking about. Fellas I guess I'm here wondering what to do about this gal? Shes probably done this to a bunch of folks but Im not much for creating trouble. Should I let it go and be glad I made a clean break? Being what I consider a respectable gent and raised as such I have a hard time doin to her what she done to me, but all the same its wrong.
Please go easy on me guys. I had never even done this until the other night. Are all the women in this business like her? Does an old fella have a chance at not being lonely anymore?
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Not all ladies are like her, there are many who really do what they say in the ad.

This is a place where guys post their experiences good and bad and if you search HER name & phone number I bet you will find her under the alerts. Lots of those under the alerts might have a pimp.

Many of the independents & agency ladies are not with pimps but responsible only for themselves and want the repeat gentleman so want you to come back.

They are ladies who will treat you well, PLEASE look around here, D.E.W. your homework and you will have a good time. And it will help the lonelyness.

If you quit now, she wins.
Randy - You sound like a genuine down to earth kind of guy. The "hobby" as we know it can be a very fun place for a lonely guy but can also suck when what happened to you happens. I'm not sure how you found this scam artist but being here on ECCIE greatly improves your chances of finding the perfect gal for you. You should learn how to use this site by reading reviews of the various ladies by guys like us. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting BCD access to be able to see the details of what guys thought of a particular session with a gal. Eventually you will find several that you like and can begin the process of seeing "newbie friendly" ladies that will help get you established in the community. Randy, don't give up with one bad experience. Have patience and you will eat the fruit of your labor.....Have some fun.......
I do have her phone number and where she lives, but I didnt find her anywhere on here that Ive looked yet. But good lordy is there a lot to look at. Almost too much for this geezer. Ima check into getting more access but Im still reading all the info they sent me about this place. Plus Im still not real sure after what happened and all. I looked at that alert section Miss Dagny and it aint for me darlin. Im not the kind of man to put all this little girls info out there. Too much respect I guess. Which is funny because thats what got me into this fine mess.
Thank yall for the advice and the kind words. They are much needed right now. Im sure some of yall understand what its like to do this the first time. The nerves, the thinkin, the plannin, the doin. Then to have it all be for nothing and take what Id saved for it. Boy it sure does suck. Im just not real sure of much right now. Cept that i got some horses yellin to be fed. Thanks again.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-05-2010, 04:27 PM
First, welcome to our little community!

I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune! Unfortunately, most of us guys here have at least one horror story. However, if you take a look at the Provider Ads section, nearly all those ladies will treat you right. Find one (or more) that you are interested in and PM them. Chat with them and I'm sure you'll find what you are looking for. I know that I've found my share of young, beautiful ladies that keep me feeling young!

TheCandyman is right... BCD access will give you the most data for making an informed decision! Good luck, sir!

Regarding the lady in question... I'm assuming she has your real phone number or email address or name, so it's probably best just to leave that one be. Invest in a hobby phone and a hobby email address, and guard your personally identifiable information. Play safe; stay safe!

Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Hey Sweetie
So sorry to hear that things didn't work out. Shoot i remember my first client i had made me think twice about the hobby. I can assure you that we all are not like that low life that ripped you off. Like Dagny said do your homework and most importantly have fun!! I know a bunch a wonderful ladies that are newbie friendly and would love to show you what our community is about. So keep your chin up and...... don't jump out of the pond just yet you still need to get your ears wet!
~Kisses Jen
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Dear BR,
Oh please do not misunderstand I didn't mean post about her, I meant to search about her. You probably will find alerts. How unfortunate that you would find the "bad apple" 1st time out.

However, NOW you have found out a way to check into the lady that interests you. It is more likely that your next venture will be a success. AND I hate to say it but someone must, if that is all you lose in the hobby you will have learned a valuable lesson. Harsh but true.
GenesisNicole's Avatar
Welcome to our little world.

I am terribly sorry for your misfortune, but like others have stated, please don't let this leave a sour taste in your mouth about the hobby as a whole.

Lots of wonderful ladies here that have been "tried and true" and will definitely show you a great time.

Happy hunting and always stay safe. *wink*

Genesis Nicole~
Bless your heart. Hope one of us lovely ladies can make it up to you!
Sorry to hear about that. I am sure if you stick with here and do your research you will find a great lady for you! Best wishes.
The silver lining of course is that because of her you found ECCIE and judging from the sound of you this place will be lucky to have you aboard. Welcome.
rrrabbit's Avatar

As the rest of the community said, sorry that you were parted from your money. Sorry even more that you were duped into believing, and it ended with her pulling crazy on you.

That sucks - especially for your 1st time.

Not sure where you found this gal. But if you hit the "Search" tab toward the top right hand of this page, put in the last four digits of her phone number where it says "Keyword(s):", and hit the "Search Now" button, you may or may not get hits (scammers change phone numbers often to throw us off).

Regardless, consider it lesson learned and, as a consequence, ECCIE found. To seek retribution or trying to get your money back would most likely lead to more drama; and you sound like the type of person who can do without the drama.

Most provider ladies here are the real deal. Read a few reviews, and decide for yourself who you'd like to see (look for "yes" recommendation in the review, and to play it safe, consider going with a lady that has several positive reviews maybe ? This should help you minimize your risk).

Here's the link to the description of activity acronyms listed in each review: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...light=acronyms

PM me if you'd like with a short description of what floats your boat, and I'll be happy to give you a few recommendations.

Welcome, sorry it happened to you, and here's to better future experiences for you:
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar

As others have said, it sucks that this happened to you. There are many pitfalls to this this hobby; unfortunately, this happened to you on the first attempt. It happens to most of us at one point or another as our risk aversion changes over time.

If you decide to try again, there are much safer choices to be had here if you do the research.

You got taken, and while it doesn't sound like you're struggling with the need for revenge, you would be doing the other guys who might fall for her scam a favor by telling who she is.

Only reason why I would hold it back is if she has your personal info, if that's the case, you could find someone to put it in alerts for you. I would think that she's done this to more than just you.
Well yall I read through all these rules and guidelines of this place and I'm still left feeling real confused. I'd like some clarity before I make my decision to tell on this gal. What concerns me most is rule #5. It's pretty unclear as to whether or not I can even post her info for yall or not with the way it's written. And no, fellas, she don't have my info! I might be a new guy at all this but I aint no dummy.
Now what I'd really like is just some simple clarity and further advice about what I should do or not do. Here's the rule I was talking about. Am I "outing" her if I tell yall about her since she's not a member here according to her. Am I outing her if I tell yall the name she gave me? (how do i know if it's her real name?)Am I allowed to give a good description of her? Am I allowed to tell yall where this took place? Whole lotta gray area in that rule. I sure would appreciate some direction here.

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Randy, you have every right to be upset, and you also have the right state what happened to you because your information can help the rest of us make an informed decision about her. If you and I were having a conversation, then I would ask you where did you find her? (Backpage, Craigslist, P411) What's the name she goes by - and believe me it is not her real name. Where is she located, as in what part of town; north, south, east, west. I don't need an actual street address but more like a vicinity using cross streets and such. A phone number isn't necessary as all the other information is good enough to help me stay away from her.

That should do it, and if others want to chime in they may give you better lead on this issue. I hope this helps.