Breast Cancer Awareness Month

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-07-2010, 11:00 PM
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, for each session I have with a beautiful lady this month, I'm donating $20 to help preserve breasts.

Unfortunately, so far I'm only up to $40. If you'd like to help me fund a cure for breast cancer...

I'm really skeptical that the money raised by groups like the "Susan B. Komen pink ribbon fund to find a cure" really go to research to find a "cure" for any cancer.

And I really resent that when I want to make a purchase at a grocery store, convenience store, or gas station that I'm now hit up to "donate" money into some cup from which I have absolutely no idea who's really going to take the money.

It is not the place of such merchants to be asking for donations FOR ANY REASON and that fact that they do so IMPLIES that if you say NO that you must be some kind of villain. It is their intention to put you on the spot by implying that it's a legitimate request to make.

All these people with their hands out are no different than the bozos you see at the intersections with their little slips of white paper and smiling faces trying to scam you into thinking the dollars you throw at them will go to some worthy cause.

"Would you like to donate....?"

I too do not always want to donate. For my own reasons. Wow, way to shut him down! Geez.

Ztonk, I respect you trying to get others to join good deed. I want to help people with breast cancer.

This is just about all I can do to help. Tell them that tissue mutations happen based on the toxins that we unknowingly and knowingly plague our bodies with every day. I say try to detoxify your body and most of all change your diet. The body is a very amazing in that it has many mechanisms to heal itself with proper upkeep.

I refuse to give money to people who further put toxins in the sick people's body's to cure 1 ailment; while destroying other functioning defenses for the body. People are cured of cancer everyday with natural methods. This is just anecdotal evidence. I am not a doctor. But this is what I know.

Non the less, I commend your choice to help others.
sixxbach's Avatar
Thanks for doing your part ztonk!

  • gpsss
  • 10-09-2010, 01:57 PM
I did my part since breast cancer runs in the family. I had long curly hair but I decided to chop it off and donate it so that ladies who have gone through chemo can have some hair for a decent wig to make them feel better about themselves. If you know of a salon that is doing something like this, I encourage you to take part. It's a little thing but it definitely makes a huge difference.
Thank you ztonk and everyone else that makes donations to the cause or any cause to help save a persons life!
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-10-2010, 01:05 PM
I <3 Boobies! Thanks, to Ztonk and everyone else.

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I have bought so much pep to dismal pink this month that it looks like Dr. Seuss moved in. I think that charities are brilliant for marketing at the checkouts. And it's so much easier for me to add a buck to my purchase that I'm an easy sell. And it helps me sleep at night feeling like I've done my part in helping my fellow people rather than just supporting the drug addicts on the corner.

And so what if someone is getting compensated for their time with charity work. That doesn't make the charity a profitable company, but rather it compensates those who would have to spend their time elsewhere in a thankless job to support their own.

Did I mention that I even have pink ribbon batteries? Even food is coming in pink this month! Brilliant!
NipLover's Avatar
I always buy pink, wherever possible. I have lost too many friends and relatives to breast cancer, and cancer in general.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Sorry, but seeing the Dallas Gayboys playing football with their pink shoes and towels was a little too much.
KissLover's Avatar
This is an interesting approach.