Ladies what would you do if a guy thought you were ugly

Hobgoblin's Avatar
. Lots of guys pay money to be with you. You have your regulars I'm sure. So how much would it bother you if 1 guy thinks you look like a bulldog chewing on a wasp ?

. I would think you wouldn't care much but then again you are women and therefore thin skinned, so I dont know but have a nice day.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
but then again you are women and therefore thin skinned Originally Posted by Hobgoblin
I think I'll go kill myself now.

I kid. I don't know what I'd do. It's never happened.
down4fun's Avatar
a bulldog chewing on a wasp ?

LOL to funny
Lol lol lol... what if it was the opposite... Walk into the room and try to get cozy and the lady started to gag and lol lol
I would care, cause it's only how you truly see yourself 1!
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Lmao oh my gosh!!!! picture in the Bulldog chewing on a wasp is not a pretty picture. I've never been called ugly by a hobbyist. unless it was one that had never seen me before and was mad because I wouldn't schedule with him. If anyone said I was ugly. I'd just laugh and know their lying. even when I got to the gas station with my hair in a bun looking like crap with morning but somebody always starring at me or trying to speak to me. So my ugly can't be too bad. Lol
Hobgoblin's Avatar
Right on, well I'm glad to hear there aren't a lot of guys out there being jerks.
Shrug my shoulders and move on, not going to be everyone's cup of tea. There is billions of people in the world, most people don't find me ugly so I'll live