Body Types

Muffrider's Avatar
What body type excites you the most:

For me, a relatively full, firm, body with lots of curves. A hot MILF.
  • cynic
  • 11-01-2011, 10:31 AM
I've always been partial to slender...not skinny, but thin with nice muscle tone. back in to old days, they called it svelte
Omahan's Avatar
I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but once I did a nationally competitive female bodybuilder. It was fun.
Muffrider's Avatar
I hope some of the providers chime in. Like to hear what kind of body types (male or female) get their motors going.
Hands that look like they have done labor. Big enough to make me feel tiny. A bit of a belly. Strong jaw with a definite chin. I prefer beefy to slender. I have never fucked a guy in skinny jeans (old school punks being the only exception).
Crap, I need to return my jeans to the gap now.
a skinny woman with big naturals is a leg wetter
Hands that look like they have done labor. Big enough to make me feel tiny. A bit of a belly. Strong jaw with a definite chin. I prefer beefy to slender. I have never fucked a guy in skinny jeans (old school punks being the only exception). Originally Posted by SillyGirl
I don’t have fat hands but my ring finger is size 14, and being 6'3" and 250 gives me a masculine stature. There have been many bales of hay and chainsaws in my grip, but contrary to this I was once told how gentle I was. Sillygirl, I may be mind numbingly dense, but I do have one or two positive attributes, just ask the Hummingbird I nurtured back to health if you can find her.
Fastcar's Avatar
Jumping into this hobby in the last 4 months, I've discovered I'm a slut! I have seen so many types ( try comparing Lilyth's and Kaylen's breasts ), and have realized that I REALLY like all women. What starts to separate them for me is between their ears as much as between their legs. That being said, it's all about the ass......
Sounds like Lenny in Of Mice and Men.
All shapes and sizes are ok as long they have tone and look like they're active.
There are skinny couch potatoes that are very droopy and some not too skinny with nice curves and tone. Natural tits are nice too.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I prefer a vagina and a willingness to not laugh when I'm naked.
COG check out the women's dorm at the school of the blind and you should be ok.
hey cardicknipper have you seen the size of the guy guarding that dorm?