
I said it before - we are doomed. Biden is ..ugh..he doesn't know what he's doing....If Trump were in office this would not be happening....

Joe Biden
Joe Biden
Marisa Schultz
Sat, February 19, 2022, 12:38 PM·2 min read
In this article:

Joe Biden
Joe Biden
46th and current president of the United States
A foreign policy expert slammed the Biden administration's handling of the Ukraine crisis, saying the White House's actions could "provoke" a Russian attack.

Anatol Lieven, a senior research fellow on Russia and Europe at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, especially took issue with President Biden telling Americans to leave Ukraine.

"It is perfectly ridiculous and contemptible for the USA to 'support Ukraine' by telling Americans to leave before there is any certainty that Russia will attack, or that if it does attack anything will happen to Kiev," Lieven said in a statement.


Lieven, who has written books on Russia and tackling the climate change "emergency", said the Biden administration's policies are undermining Ukraine's independence.

"This has a terrible effect on the Ukrainian economy and international confidence in Ukraine, and thereby undermines Ukrainian independence," Lieven said. "Meanwhile the USA pumps Ukraine full of weapons that will not defeat Russia and could even provoke a Russian attack."

The Quincy Institute promotes "vigorous diplomacy" and a world where peace is the norm.


Biden continues to say there's a high likelihood of Russia invading Ukraine, as Vladimir Putin has amassed roughly 150,000 troops near the border. World leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris, gathered in Germany over the weekend for the Munich Security Conference in an effort to work on diplomatic solutions.

19 February 2022, Bavaria, Munich: Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Vice President, speaks at the 58th Munich Security Conference. The Security Conference will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel from Feb. 18-20, 2022. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa (Photo by Tobias Hase/picture alliance via Getty Images)
19 February 2022, Bavaria, Munich: Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Vice President, speaks at the 58th Munich Security Conference. The Security Conference will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel from Feb. 18-20, 2022. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa (Photo by Tobias Hase/picture alliance via Getty Images)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., led a congressional delegation to the conference where she touted fierce sanctions against Russia should Putin invade.

Biden has warned Americans in Ukraine to get out immediately and said the U.S. military will not help them escape if there is a Russian invasion because it risks sparking a world war.

"That's a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another," Biden told NBC anchor Lester Holt.
If Trump were still President, all minorities would be in jail, crime would be legal including coop attempts, and all toilets would be larger so he wouldn't have to flush incriminating documents 10-15 times.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Ellen, what would Trump have done? We know Trump has his head up Putin's ass if that would have helped in some way.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Brief recap:
Russia has just annexed an energy rich area immediately adjacent to their home turf and nobody stopped them.

Russia 2, Ukraine 0
Speed, Trump wouldn't have had to do anything - Putin would not have tried this if he was in the White House. By the way, how do you like Biden now?

Ellen, what would Trump have done? We know Trump has his head up Putin's ass if that would have helped in some way. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Passion2015's Avatar
Listening to Ellen is like listening to cnn, you don’t and just change the channel.
Then change the channel.

Listening to Ellen is like listening to cnn, you don’t and just change the channel. Originally Posted by Passion2015
Precious_b's Avatar
Brief recap:
Russia has just annexed an energy rich area immediately adjacent to their home turf and nobody stopped them.

Russia 2, Ukraine 0 Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Did this with the Chechens (sp). It was their unfortunate situation to be of Muslim descent.
Ok watching the press conference. Russian attack imminent.
Let's see how long this takes so we can get back to helping Americans that are suffering right now. Jeeze,someone needs to take him to the grocery store so he can see the prices.
It's amazing to me that he is so out of touch with.....well,everything really.
Precious_b's Avatar
I said it before - we are doomed. Biden is ..ugh..he doesn't know what he's doing....If Trump were in office this would not be happening.... Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

"Peace for our time" is only thing missing from what #HeWhoShallBeNamed said.

Though we have no reason to be in Ukraine, there is no justifiable reason to condone the seizing of territory. Not even the Chinese are comfortable about it....and they want Taiwan.
Precious, nobody condones the seizing of territory. But all over the news is Russia,Russia,Russia or Ukraine,Ukraine,Ukraine. My point is -- Biden needs to pay attention on what's happening back at the ranch. Which is sky high rental rates that the lower income folks will not be able to afford. The high gas prices and the effect on lower income Americans that will have. I mean - you have to go to work so you have to have gas so you have to spend a major portion of your paycheck on this. Plus trying to feed your family. I have a friend who is feeding her family of 5 and their food bill jumped to $750.00 every 2 weeks. The folks that will be most effected are lower income people and that's not right. The Dems can't pass the Child care act which would help some folks with giving them breathing room to avoid falling into the abiss. The bottom line is we need to stop involving ourselves with other nations problems. Like Trump said - " Americas hands are not clean." Some people won't get that but it's true. Let's get back to what's going on back here at the ranch.

"Peace for our time" is only thing missing from what #HeWhoShallBeNamed said.

Though we have no reason to be in Ukraine, there is no justifiable reason to condone the seizing of territory. Not even the Chinese are comfortable about it....and they want Taiwan. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar
Ellen, for Biden to pay attention, he would need to have the cognitive ability to do so.
Precious_b's Avatar
Precious, nobody condones the seizing of territory. But all over the news is Russia,Russia,Russia or Ukraine,Ukraine,Ukraine. My point is -- Biden needs to pay attention on what's happening back at the ranch. Which is sky high rental rates that the lower income folks will not be able to afford. The high gas prices and the effect on lower income Americans that will have. I mean - you have to go to work so you have to have gas so you have to spend a major portion of your paycheck on this. Plus trying to feed your family. I have a friend who is feeding her family of 5 and their food bill jumped to $750.00 every 2 weeks. The folks that will be most effected are lower income people and that's not right. The Dems can't pass the Child care act which would help some folks with giving them breathing room to avoid falling into the abiss. The bottom line is we need to stop involving ourselves with other nations problems. Like Trump said - " Americas hands are not clean." Some people won't get that but it's true. Let's get back to what's going on back here at the ranch. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Not all the news is the two places you listed.
And I already said that we have no business there. Maybe the last century, yes. But not currently. Only NATO obligations which doesn't mean troops on the ground.

Those rentals and such have been on the increase, even with the previous potus. I love the high gas prices so don't go there with me at least.. Best thing to open capped wells in Texas. And the cost of living is tied in to the situation that has taxed the medical field and decreased our mortality rate which caused health restrictions which people have bucked on so as to keep things lingering. (Boy, that was a long sentence.)
What child care act did mitch ever back?

And again, I have stated we have no business there. Just like Bosnia. And there will be more places.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speed, Trump wouldn't have had to do anything - Putin would not have tried this if he was in the White House. By the way, how do you like Biden now? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I still prefer Biden over Trump, who is considered to be in the bottom 3 of of the 44 men who have held the office of POTUS. Biden may turn out to be worse but Trump's legacy has been written and it is not good.

That's what I love about those that criticize others, whether it be Biden or someone else. Pure speculation without any evidence to support their statements. Putin had no fear of Trump because Trump supported Putin in every way. Look at Trump's statements about Biden and the Ukraine.

Trump again praises Putin moments before Russia launches invasion of Ukraine

As Putin eyes Ukraine invasion, Trump praises his actions as 'genius'

That is downright horrible. Supporting a man who wants to return the USSR to its former "glory".
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Precious, nobody condones the seizing of territory. But all over the news is Russia,Russia,Russia or Ukraine,Ukraine,Ukraine. My point is -- Biden needs to pay attention on what's happening back at the ranch. Which is sky high rental rates that the lower income folks will not be able to afford. The high gas prices and the effect on lower income Americans that will have. I mean - you have to go to work so you have to have gas so you have to spend a major portion of your paycheck on this. Plus trying to feed your family. I have a friend who is feeding her family of 5 and their food bill jumped to $750.00 every 2 weeks. The folks that will be most effected are lower income people and that's not right. The Dems can't pass the Child care act which would help some folks with giving them breathing room to avoid falling into the abiss. The bottom line is we need to stop involving ourselves with other nations problems. Like Trump said - " Americas hands are not clean." Some people won't get that but it's true. Let's get back to what's going on back here at the ranch. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Did you turn down the Covid incentive payments which are the driving force behind the inflation? More money in people's pockets increased the demand for products which increased the inflation rate. Economics 101. Maybe Trump's tax package of 2017 should have focused on the less wealthy instead of the rich.

What Russia is doing is wrong, no matter how you look at it. We can put our heads in the sand or support the people in the Ukraine. That does not mean send troops. It means working with other countries, which are doing more than the U.S. in reacting to the invasion.