Got Ghosted by Lisa Love

  • Rjrtx
  • 03-03-2024, 07:09 PM
I have seen her quite a few times over the years so I asked her for a special video for a long trip I had she agreed to it and I prepaid the money since we had always been good. Well shocker she just straight up ghosted after a follow up so beware with her. Feel free to call me out for trusting someone, but hey it happens.

Good luck gentleman
That sux, but yeah lesson learned
That sucks , never prepay and she is gross
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Interesting, I saw her years ago and it was a strange experience. About 45 minutes in, she got a text and said, I'm sorry, you got to go and hands me back the entire donation... then stops and says "finish first though" and I obliged and left minutes later. Never found out what was behind the text but always felt there was big drama in her life. Took that money to Shady Trail and our favorite strip club where I quickly forgot LL.
That’s odd, I have never had an issue with her. I haven’t seen her in a long time. She was my first hobby experience and I was nervous as hell. I’m actually glad it was her.
I always found her engaging and personable.
  • Rjrtx
  • 03-07-2024, 05:56 PM
I had never had an issue with her before this and had seen her many times which is why I didn’t mind prepaying. Then she just stopped responding. She is a great gal but just be careful she might be going through some stuff atm.