AOC Saff salaries

DFWClubgoer's Avatar

AOC shows just what socialism does. Paying top staffers less in order top the low end more. She keeps her pay at $174,000.00. Redistribution for everyone but her! Talk about your 1%
You must be really bored
pyramider's Avatar
How is this hobby related? Where is a photo of AOC's taint?
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Please move to sandbox, my mistake?
CG2014's Avatar
Mueller needs to investigate this:

Equal scrutiny for all.
  • oeb11
  • 03-03-2019, 07:46 AM
Should be in Political Forum!
Should be in Political Forum! Originally Posted by oeb11

Hear, hear!
TexTushHog's Avatar

AOC shows just what socialism does. Paying top staffers less in order top the low end more. She keeps her pay at $174,000.00. Redistribution for everyone but her! Talk about your 1%
. Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
She has a flat salary structure for a reason. Young Capitol Hill staffers can’t afgird to live in the salary most of them make. Starting salaries are close to minimum wage in sine instances, and I think the medium salary is just north of $30,000/year. It’s next to impossible to live close to Capitol Hill for that kind of money. And often, to get a Hill job, you have to do an unpaid internship, which entails living on no salary for 3-12 months.

When one of my kids did an unpaid internship, it cost me quite a bit to pay for her housing. And because of the internship issues and very low starting pay, on;y rich kids whose folks can subsidize them get most staff jobs. If you want people from working class backgrounds to do staff work, you’re either gong to have to give members more money for staff, or have a flatter structure. I’d like to see more money, but most folks would go ape-shit if that happened. Do f;at structure it has to be if you’re going to have working folks kid’s have a shot at staff jobs.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tex explained it pretty well.
She said she was going to boost salaries.
Till something else comes up, best way I can see in getting a mix of people in those positions. I don't think just one class of person should be able to do it.
billw1032's Avatar
TTH gave a good explanation, but I'm left wondering how many staff each member of congress typically hires. I did some searching, and it looks like their annual personnel allowance is just under $1 million. At that rate, they can hire about 30 staff at an average of $30k. I guess that may also include their district office, but is that a reasonable staff level? I really don't know, so I don't have a strong opinion.

I do wonder if AOC will have trouble hiring the best people for the top positions. I'm not sure if a Representative has a chief of staff, but it might be difficult to hire a good one for that rate.
rexdutchman's Avatar
That's the way socialism (progressives) work our money redistributed to there friends and family
TheCharlieBrown's Avatar
AOC is not the enemy, but the spoiler. Biggest threat posed by AOC is how she makes the rest of the field appear "moderate" by comparison (not quite as wacko as they used to be). It's a delicate balance for sure. If the field plays too far to the middle, she'll beat them and maybe get toasted in the general. At least that's what happened to the Republicans v Trump, well except know. Subplot includes percentage of wackos does she take from Uncle Bern?

Might be just like Bush told Pelosi in 2007, "you guys are going to miss me when I'm gone!". Can you imagine?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Each Congressman has about 12-14 full time staff equivalents. They have to spread that between DC and one or more district offices. Most urban Congressmen have only one district office. Rural members may have as many as three. You usually have about 1/2 of staff in DC and the same back home, but that is up to the individual member. This’d who are big on constituent service may staff more heavily at hone, other handle more constituent service in DC. But you usually only end up with two or three staff that really do much issues work. The rest are clerical, answer phones, and deal with constituents.
[QUOTE=TheCharlieBrown;10613176 44]AOC is not the enemy, but the spoiler.[QUOTE]

The darling of the Dimms….AOC and her Green New many more states go from Blue to Red come 2020?
The unspoken part of Tex' post is that a large number of "interns" are either very well supported by wealthy families or "well taken care of" with the salary not being an issue. A weekend in Georgetown is some excellent "research"!