Deep Ellum Assault.. Be Careful Out There

Chung Tran's Avatar

brutal.. but.. ladies need to learn that nothing good happens at 4:28 a.m., in an area surrounded by Nightclubs.. a can of Mace? next to worthless? dialing 911 while standing next to your threatening Subject? really? what did she think would happen?

she didn't think.

I feel sorry for her, but this could have been de-escalated with some common sense.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-21-2019, 08:45 PM
No butts! I’d pay for 10 minutes alone with him, let’s see how tough he is...
Great news is bail hasn’t been set. I’m sure he will have an amazing welcome and fantastic stay.

Imagine this...he’s a white supremacy’s Trump supporter...surprise surprise...weak ass
TexTushHog's Avatar
I think the no bail is a mistake. Let that SOB out and let some brothers take care of his sorry ass. That's about as worthless a SOB as I've ever seen. He's not fit to kill. All of that because someone blocked him from getting out of a parking lot long enough to let someone out of her car!! What a worthless shit.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 03-21-2019, 09:34 PM
No bail=the Brothers will get him.
No one needs to waste a strike on him in the free world. Plenty already there with nothing to lose.
Freakaholic's Avatar

brutal.. but.. ladies need to learn that nothing good happens at 4:28 a.m., in an area surrounded by Nightclubs.. a can of Mace? next to worthless? dialing 911 while standing next to your threatening Subject? really? what did she think would happen?

she didn't think.

I feel sorry for her, but this could have been de-escalated with some common sense. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
There was no common sense that could have been applied to a (supposed) MAN needing to put his masculinity on display by beating on a WOMAN...

He wanted to do her harm, and succeeded...all over nothing that just cost him a big ass inconvenience. No money lost whatsoever.

Pieces of shit like him are the reason abortion needs to STAY legal in America. FULL STOP.
that face of his looks like it could use some good stomping on with steel toed work boots.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-22-2019, 08:19 AM
The coward got released without posting bail, all charges were misdemeanors. The streets always clean up the trash, this guy better not get caught slipping
Why do people go out of their way to seek confrontation with others? Totally unnecessary. Let alone the fact he's a dude and she's a lord.....

His actions were completely uncalled for. Pulling a gun....and then beating her like that. Tsk tsk.....time for Austin to do some serious self reflection once he's outa the pokey. And maybe give Mayflower a call. In the long run, sticking around Big D may not bode well for him....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Drunks after midnight ( should be a song ) NOTHING good happens after 100am
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
He is wasting the air that I breathe.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't want to appear like I'm defending that POS in any way, but.. is it possible he pulled the gun, fearing that she was a threat to him? I know she said "get back or you will be maced", something like that.. apparently because he was taking a pic of her plates? is it possible she instigated the confrontation, and he took it way beyond what could be considered reasonable self defense? is self defense a reason he walked without bail?
dallasfan's Avatar
He probably has some political connections.

Looks like a normal guy. Both are at fault here. But he went over the line
Woodypope6's Avatar
Good idea blame President Trump
Quiet Cal's Avatar
Thank you for posting this, Chung. Good discussion

T.I. the rapper is now 'checking" Dallas AA men in this video he posted yesterday.
dallasfan's Avatar
Someone posted a hate page of the guy on Facebook. Lol. Can’t believe Facebook is allowing it.

Chung I’m on the protest in Deep Ellum?