Ads not posting. Eccie still alive?

Vikki Markov's Avatar
Hi. I'm not on this website very often since the restrictions on providers ads but I tried today. I posted my ad 3 hours ago in weekly updates, is that still the correct location? It has not appeared.

Poll for the ladies: is this website still functioning for you? Where do you successfully post ads, if not here?
It has to be approved by a mod. If I’m not mistaken, it can take up to 24 hrs, but , usually not that long..
missconstanceflow's Avatar
I'm guessing there isn't that many mods :-/

Hi Vikki! Miss you!
pyramider's Avatar
What is eccie?
Aweshucks's Avatar
This place is a bit rough. I was on the other site today and the ads were, well, everything was...better.
jimmy jump's Avatar
All five of them?
What are you doing here then, if that other place rocks so hard?

Rhetorical question.
You’re here because that place is fucking useless, same ads by the same hookers over and over and over again.
It has to be approved by a mod. If I’m not mistaken, it can take up to 24 hrs, but , usually not that long.. Originally Posted by Cameron Houston
^This. All other times it just depends
Aweshucks's Avatar
All five of them?
What are you doing here then, if that other place rocks so hard?

Rhetorical question.
You’re here because that place is fucking useless, same ads by the same hookers over and over and over again. Originally Posted by jimmy jump
Oh damn, thanks.