Dingdang19 is a thief.

Dingdang19 first contacted A friend of mine ( lovely Jessie ) She is new to the site. He had no reviews or posts but she saw him anyways. She was in the room next mine. She told me she ha a call and walked next door. Everything was cool. 20 minutes later she came rushing out in a furry spouting that the scumbag had stolen her donation and her phone after the session. She was very upset. I told her it was okay an we would get her another phone. She described the guy as black tall and well dressed. She said he was very charming and everything was cool till the end when he took off with her stuff. It turns out he didn't quite make it away with her phone, the bozo dropped it down the stairs on the way out. We were able to find and save his number. I saved it in my phone as well. He called me the next day looking for a date. For my personal humour I agreed to meet him with plans of confronting him with backup. (dangerously stupid I know ) I gave him the address and to my dismay he was a no show. Sense then hes used me a reference twice. I warned both providers about him. I have his number still. Ladies PM me if you want his number. Hope this helps!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Where did this happen? He shows to be a Houston guy. And your location is New Orleans.
your a lie i have never seen a lovely jessie i saw u i cant believe u would lie abt me i have not ripped off anyone. if that was the case y didnt i rip off u when i saw u at ur hotel room?
It happened in Richardson. And I have the text messages from you when you stood me up also the ones where you text Jessie. I have no reason to lie only to warn providers.
did he PM you from his account? if not some guys say there are someone on ECCIE though text are call but they are not

am so sorry this happened to your friend!
i havent texted anyone i called u i never texted u i saw u u had told me som old guy stole your money and phone bc u feel asleep in ausitn u had been up 2 days i never saw ur friend never pm u either u r this other woman im sorry it happened but i didnt do it
Tx Noob's Avatar
So sorry this happened to you, London.
wat do u mean sorry london i didnt do nothing to her she has gotten me cofused with someone else!!!!!
Wow that really sucks London!! I'm sure you'll make it up in no time. Keep your head up
u people r unbelievable
u people r unbelievable Originally Posted by dingdang19

Oh hell, This ain't nothin!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
London, is Lovely Jessie registered on ECCIE, and does she have PM's from dingdang19 requesting an appointment, or only text messages?

It's possible that the well dressed tall black guy just picked a name from the new member list on 2/1/12 and used it to convince Lovely Jessie he was an ECCIE member.

Either way, it's bad that this happened to Lovely Jessie. I hope you will counsel her carefully about screening. If not already a member, she can join ECCIE, post in the Welcome Wagon, and build up a client base that way. Then if something goes wrong, which we hope never happens, she can post her own alerts.

Dingdang19 you can probably get a mod to remove your name from this alert if you can prove you didn't send a PM to Lovely Jessie, or if it is determined Lovely Jessie isn't even registered on ECCIE.
the time they are saying i pm her i wasnt even registered with eccie so in that is a lie i asked her to show the pm she couldnt she keep talking abt text messages that i no nothing abt im trully sorry this happend to her but it wasnt me
trynagetlaid's Avatar

the time they are saying i pm her i wasnt even registered with eccie
Originally Posted by dingdang19
I wondered about that. She didn't say what date it happened, but you just joined 2/1/12.

She hasn't provided any additional information to substantiate you are the well dressed tall black guy.

But if you are a tall black guy, and you dress well, this could cause you some problems when you attempt to book with other providers.
im 5 8 and im hispanic does that sound like a tall black man