lets have some fun again EVERYONE!!!!!!!

  • m2244
  • 11-11-2010, 06:25 PM
alright guys I feel like when i get on here and can feel the tension from my computer through people....its time to post!!!!! ...........


what is the most interesting thing that has happened on a holiday for you?!!!?

im trying here guys so work with me a little.....

mine would have to be Easter when i was around 13 i was at my grandmas and my mom my aunt and I were messing around and started a food fight somehow and my papa walked in in the middle and i swear we froze like putting a movie on hold LOL.....and to top it off my aunt said "pass me a biscuit please" LOL (to try to brake the silence) and my mom knocked the candle over and set the table cloth on fire.....we laughed so hard it was great!!!!!.....
  • m2244
  • 11-11-2010, 06:26 PM
and i meant "pause" not hold....smarty pants...before you even say it
Well, one time in band camp... no wait... that wasn't me after all...

Well, there was this Veteran's Day, when I was planning to see a provider and then when I grooming my man bits I managed to nick them with the trimmers in such a way, as to render getting bodily fluids on there not a good idea, thus cancelling my plans for the weekend... no wait... that was today...

Oh ok - when I was about the age of the incident you describe Mary, vacationing with my parents up in Canada on our annual getaway, I confessed my eternal love to a unbelievably hot kanuck girl who was way out of my league. I think she will never forget that episode as one of the most awkward of her life. I know I haven't
DallasRain's Avatar
I lost my virginity at age 17 in a cemetary named Pilgrim's Rest on Thanksgiving Day!
taggert's Avatar
Mary, great story! Reminds me of a holiday dinner long ago when my sister and I were kids. I don't remember which holiday it was, but my parents had invited some friends to join us. Mom asked for someone to "toss" her a roll, so my younger sister picks one up and does just that. She tosses it across the table! One of our guests was taking a drink of milk at just the precise moment....... The roll went flying and she laughed so hard she spit her milk all over the table! It happened a long time ago but we still laugh about it to this day!
I lost my virginity at age 17 in a cemetary named Pilgrim's Rest on Thanksgiving Day! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I thought you looked familiar!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
My parents went out to do Xmass shopping. My mothers brother just out of the M corp was to be are sitter. They walk in as we where making rockets with three paper matches, with the heads wraped in foil from cigarette pack. Spent rockets all over the floor. Well he was never to be are sitter again.

Ok to make, take three paper matches. holding form the bottom with the heads together. Wrap the heads with foil from a pack of smokes. Paper side in. Now hold from the heads, and bend the paper matchs to make three leggs. Set it in the ashtray. Take a lit match and hold it under the heads. Weeeeeeeeee it flys. Also can be made with one wooden match, paper clip or saftypin, and foil.

It was a lot of fun. but as I was not yet in school. I don't think my mother was ok with the fact that her brother teached me how to make them. Few days later dad had me show him how it was done in the barn. Where MA never went. grampa, dads father found us. And that is how I learned how to make with a wooden match.

for one wood or paper match. Could not find a pic for three paper matches.
paper clip type about to fly weeeeeeeeeeeeee

Wish I could find a pic of the three paper matches type. Thay would go stright up, with the leggs burning all the way. And with three heads would go farther.

  • m2244
  • 11-12-2010, 08:28 AM
great storys everyone........appreciating the small memories is always great

and dallas AWESOME LOL
  • Laker
  • 11-12-2010, 08:41 AM
Mine may not be much of a holiday story, but back in a prior life I used to persure the elusive whitetail deer (since gave it up for persuing the two legged variety of dear) but the deer season is around Thanksgiving, and the days hunt would almost always end up in a barroom with consumption of massive amounts of adult beverages. More deer got bagged on Mahogeny ridge (the bar) then from the woods, and the antlers were always bigger there too!!

Well on one Thanksgving eve we were in a local establishment and the next thing I can recall it was the following morning, I woke up in my bed, still fully dressed had my shotgun standing in the corner but when looking out the window was no truck and the only part of my boots I could locate were the felt liners, well they too were still on my feet!

Well after calling around a little bit, I bummed a ride and I discovered my truck still in the establishments parking lot, and my outer parts of the boots in the truck. I was told that when I was ready to head for home, I couldn't find my truck, nor my boots, but wasn't going to leave my gun for someone to shoot my deer!! Oh and the keys were still in the ignition of my truck.

I quit hunting (deer), but kept drinking!! Now I hope no one of my old buds will recognize this and tell the rest!! :-)
hmmm well I guess my family is dull. The only thing that comes to mind is that when I was 2 years old, on Easter Sunday, I fell into a glass coffee table and now have a dent in my forehead. Not a really funny story.....but I still have the scar today
  • m2244
  • 11-14-2010, 08:46 AM
geeze brooke what a holiday crusher LOL....poor baby i will kiss your boo boo when i see you
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The thing I miss with all of my generation all over the globe. Cutting the tree and setting it up for all to see. Its much to much to do with one brother in the north midwest and the other in Iraq. Cousins also all over somewhere. Also my lights are getting to old. I do have a set of tree candle holders that will cover a 12 foot tree. Did it once. But I do not dare do it again. You need many to keep a eye on things to light a tree that way. No less to light all the candles before the first ones you lit are done before you get them all lit. I know its not safe. But it is a sight to see.