$5 a gallon

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: San Francisco has breached the $5/gal per gallon average.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 11:12 AM
It will be four bucks a gallon here by next week, 3.89 locally.
berryberry's Avatar
Hope all the libtards who voted for this dementia addled imbecile are happy
lustylad's Avatar
It will be four bucks a gallon here by next week, 3.89 locally. Originally Posted by Devo
Add another 60 cents/gallon for me, I buy the high octane stuff.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 02:48 PM
We're fucked.

Armstrong County, today.

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  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 02:53 PM
That is now officially more than double what I paid while Trump was President, which was a little under 2.00 at the peak of covid lockdowns.

Taken from "The Pacific", the ending is us.

Letsplaypgh's Avatar
LMAO it’s amusing albeit really sad to see how many people are so delusional to think gas prices are directly related to the President. Especially if the current President is someone they don’t like. I’m guessing you all failed or barely passed Economics 101.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 03:09 PM
LMAO it’s amusing albeit really sad to see how many people are so delusional to think gas prices are directly related to the President. Especially if the current President is someone they don’t like. I’m guessing you all failed or barely passed Economics 101. Originally Posted by Letsplaypgh
Noooo, stopping Keystone XL had nothing to do with it, ending US energy independence has nothing to do with it, importing oil from Russia has nothing to do with it.

Limiting supply, no, that's not part of basic economics is it?

You limit future exploration, decrease supply, buy more oil from our enemies, who artificially maintain the price of oil at a high price, no, none of Bidens decisions has done any of that.

Go ahead and explain why Einsteen.
LMAO it’s amusing albeit really sad to see how many people are so delusional to think gas prices are directly related to the President. Especially if the current President is someone they don’t like. I’m guessing you all failed or barely passed Economics 101. Originally Posted by Letsplaypgh
Since you’re allegedly an expert in economics. Could you please explain how the raising gas prices aren’t related to the current president?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah, being openly hostile to the energy sector definitely doesn’t effect energy prices. Sheesh, the fairytales these guys make themselves believe to justify supporting the geriatric moron are amazing. I paid $3.89 yesterday at the local station, today it’s $4.14

Not only gasoline either, natural gas is also through the roof. Our bill for last month was over $600 and the house is newer and we’ll insulated, they usually run $3-400 in cold months. It’s totally ridiculous, considering western Pennsylvania is sitting on an ocean of gas. A few years ago they were practically giving the shit away. I have no idea how anyone making less than 6 figures can afford to raise a family in the age of Biden.
eyecu2's Avatar
Since you’re allegedly an expert in economics. Could you please explain how the raising gas prices aren’t related to the current president? Originally Posted by Loretta77
Sure. Gas is a oil derived commodity, and oil is a international commodity. The prices of oil are set by international markets, not by whose president of the US at any given time. The prices were low during the time Trump was in office while there was a pandemic because oil demand had reached an almost all time low in the last 20 years. The law of supply and demand says when there's no demand the price goes down, and the opposite is true when there's limited supply the price goes up. Now to the extent that any oil production has slowed, and it has slightly by 1.1 million barrels per day out of the 19 plus million barrels use daily, that one percent slow down of production domestically does not equate to a 2X fold in the pricing of oil. Even if there was an oil pipeline like keystone that supplemented the us, oil still sells as a international commodity, which is why anybody who owned oil production rights May at this time decide to start drilling again. During the time of the pandemic when oil prices were low most oil producers decided not to explore additional wells, or complete those Wells because it was not worthwhile and bringing that oil to the surface at sub $40 per barrel pricing. It cost somewhere between 5 and 8 million dollars to produce a single well in the Marcellus and Utica shell plains, so companies are not going to sync 6 million dollars into a hole that doesn't put anything out that they can't sell for a profit. Now that oils over $100 a barrel you'll see a whole bunch more domestic oil production and many more Wells being drilled on land that already have secured rights. It's not that we have a lack of drilling sites it's we have a lack of companies willing to produce those Wells. Glad you asked on how this works. It wouldn't matter if snidely whiplash was our president, the price is still the price on oil because it's international based.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 06:15 PM
And yet, the last time oil prices were this high were under Obummer, who, stopped the Keystone XL for 8 years, and, had the same war on oil, that Poopy Pants, or his advisers have restarted.

Don't bullshit us by saying its an international market if we don't have to buy the energy internationally, from a cartel of producers who set the price by what they pump.

Oil prices are not set by demand, they are set by the producers, hence, why the prices are going up every day, but demand isn't.

Do you think more people are driving today than on Monday?

Same supply, more money because of the war Poopy Pants failed to stop, and by reduced supply Poopy Pants has insist we have.

All while buying Russian oil.
HDGristle's Avatar
Devo, eye's got your number here
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  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 06:43 PM
Devo, eye's got your number here Originally Posted by HDGristle
The point is the Presidents agenda is causing the prices to rise, does it have everything to do with the rising costs, no, but, if we had not continued to destroy our own infrastructure, we wouldn't be feeling the pain we are, at least not as badly.

Like I stated, if you free yourself from the international market we would be determining what a barrel of oil cost for our own country.

I'm not a pro government type and am a self described Libertarian, but I also recognize the need for government to at least remain neutral in our economy, and not just try to change it for political reasons, which is exactly what they are doing.

No nuclear plants, forced shutdown of coal fired plants, determined by bureaucrats and not business, forcing electric cars onto the public and sweetening their cost with tax breaks, all while taxing people who dare buy something with too much horsepower.

Dodge is going to stop putting V8s in its Challengers because of the penalty they pay for large engines, those fines are approaching over 3 thousand dollars, yet, people are buying them at far above cost.

Does that reflect the demand of the consumer?

No, its because the government has chosen to be punitive to non electric vehicles.

And, even Germany is realizing they fucked up by taking nuke plants off line and shutting their coal mines, because once you destroy a sector of energy production, its going to be prohibitively expensive to restart it.

Don't sit here and tell me that Poopy Pants pudding covered finger doesn't have some part in what our energy costs are, because it does, he's pointing at what survives, and what dies, and we are the ones paying for his mistakes.
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  • Devo
  • 03-03-2022, 06:45 PM
Further, Germany has now been faced with getting 50 percent of its energy from Russia, and, for the foreseeable future, they can't take it, yet we do.

Its going to be fun watching them go back to what they promised to leave behind.