Fuck Valentine's Day 3

Anyone going??? Sounds fun.

FishGuy13's Avatar
What metro area is it held and how much are the tickets?
I see you are from Dallas but you could travel???
Sorry for not being clear: it is a Dallas, TX based event. Tickets are $30 per person.

They throw another annual event called Glory of Rome which is toga/orgy themed. And they are affiliated with a Halloween event called Disturbathon that absolutely lives up to its name.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Cool thanks! I also got this info back from the webmaster:

"BTW our annual fall event isn't always roman, the theme changes each year (last year was hot for school). The FVD event theme changes every year too. IF you'd be willing to post that correction in that thread that would be awesome! Our previous flyers are on the webpage."