Yes, Zyrtec is real. So is Claritin. Both are a couple of generations old, meaning mostly that they still cause extreme drowsiness in many users. But they are over the counter. Xyzal is chemically identical to Zyrtec (it's one of the enantiomers), is still prescription only, and works exactly the same way as Zyrtec, meaning that it will make you just as drowsy and won't work any better on your allergy symptoms. You just use half as much.
Originally Posted by mastermind238
Old doesn't necessarily mean ineffective. New is not necessarily better. I think the newer drugs are often suggested only because they're newer and more profitable for the drug companies and doctors because of generics and OTC availability.
I think everyone should try various things out and see how it works for you. Especially try out all the cheap and relatively safe options. The side effects and effectiveness of each treatment varies from person to person.
In particular, if the doctor gives you the "latest and greatest" drug and it doesn't work well, don't be shy about pushing him to let you try all the older and cheaper drugs. They've been brainwashed to keep trying newer and more expensive drugs.
If the only better alternative is a $1500 shot regimen, why not try the cheap pill first?
Originally Posted by mastermind238
I assume no one would contemplate shots unless they tried the drugs first and were unsatisfied. People don't like shots. I hope no allergist will prescribe shots without trying oral drugs first.
Shots do have the advantage that you shouldn't have the side effects of the drugs. Remember that the OTC or prescription drugs are messing with your body, in particular with your immune system.
If you go and get the allergy tests done, you may find that you're allergic to some particular thing and you can eliminate that item from your environment and not have to take shorts or oral medications.