SC Justice Breyer Refuses To Step Down

The Dems are in a fit because Justice Breyer refuses to step down while they have control of the White House. I also think this gives them the opportunity to expand the bench. So far he's pulling a RBG and refusing to leave.

Biden's faltering. Every public speaking even shows his declining facilities. Pelosi seems in a panick too.

WHo'd they nominate? Garland? That dick is already showing his incompetence as Attorney General.
LexusLover's Avatar
Did Ginsberg "step down"?

The legal voters in this country are systematically studying the hypocrisy of the CommunistSocialistLiberalLoudm ouths in this country with respect to everything from mask wearing to school attendance .... and "social distancing" .... unfortunately the threats of job loss and other gainful opportunities are generating fear among some of them ....

... which IMO is why they (Bittenettes) also wanted to change the SCOTUS status.

The SCOTUS is beginning to get these NAZIS cases to shit can. And doing that!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2021, 12:41 PM
They gonna be down 7-2 before long.

Next thing ya know Clarence Thomas will be the liberalest judge on the court
LexusLover's Avatar
Clarence Thomas is a consistent strict constructionist. His excellent opinion discussing Terry vs. Ohio and it's real meaning with respect to police authority is instructive and consistent with the statement of the Court at the time and the companion case immediately following Terry in the volume of SCOTUS decisions at the time.

At one time the Liberals in this country favored restrictions on police overreaching ... not so much any more, unless it benefits them personally, which violates other fundamental protections.

Fortunately, the existing Court will continue to support personal rights.
Did Ginsberg "step down"?

... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yep. She stepped down into the grave. At the insistence of Democratic Feminists Socialists. Shameful. And they cheered her for it then cursed her.

Simply elder abuse.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
They gonna be down 7-2 before long.

Next thing ya know Clarence Thomas will be the liberalest judge on the court Originally Posted by WTF
most liberal on the court? lol... not with 3 other libs on that court.

Clarence Thomas is a consistent strict constructionist. His excellent opinion discussing Terry vs. Ohio and it's real meaning with respect to police authority is instructive and consistent with the statement of the Court at the time and the companion case immediately following Terry in the volume of SCOTUS decisions at the time.

At one time the Liberals in this country favored restrictions on police overreaching ... not so much any more, unless it benefits them personally, which violates other fundamental protections.

Fortunately, the existing Court will continue to support personal rights. Originally Posted by LexusLover
its interesting that Thomas is pushing to hear cases regarding qualified immunity. Its a court ordered mandate. I think he wants to overturn it.
The Dems may use this as an argument to expand the court beyond 9 seats.
  • oeb11
  • 07-03-2021, 05:20 PM
DPST/fascists don't need an excuse - they already plan to pack the court and render themselves dictators of Amerika
They gonna be down 7-2 before long.

Next thing ya know Clarence Thomas will be the liberalest judge on the court Originally Posted by WTF
Clarence Thomas thinks Biden is an idiot. Thomas will never be viewed as Liberal.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Good for Breyer.
Wtf any dim would think he would actually retire and let some limp brain get nominated.
The dims have no clue how smart most judges are
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Breyer got really pissed at the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive /Democrats and started voting in a conservative manner.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-04-2021, 05:43 AM
Clarence Thomas thinks Biden is an idiot. Thomas will never be viewed as Liberal. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are missing my point. I think the Court will continue to move to the right.

So far right that Thomas will look like a liberal.

The left is fucked. States are starting new modern day Jim Crow laws under the guise of election integrity and the SC is going to uphold those state laws.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Breyer got really pissed at the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive /Democrats and started voting in a conservative manner. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Given some of the recent EO's and other nonlegislative initiatives he could probably just vote "Liberal" AGAINST THEM.

Example: The recent flower shop decision by the Court could well be a recent precedent to cite against private enterprise and businesses exercising and establishing "wokeness" as a standard!

Given the recent court decision against passing out government favors to specifically identifiable racial groups and excluding others such an opportunity will soon present itself to the SCOTUS.

"Separate and Unequal" was not in recent history a SCOTUS standard.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The left is fucked. States are starting new modern day Jim Crow laws under the guise of election integrity and the SC is going to uphold those state laws. Originally Posted by WTF
Ridiculous, cnn programmed talking point. Voter ID and verifying who voters are are wildly popular, and have no semblance to democrat Jim Crow laws whatsoever.
  • oeb11
  • 07-04-2021, 06:56 AM
'J' - agreed, good sir!!!

DPST/fascist 'Karens" insist black people cannot have ID's - yet driver's licenses and other ID forms are no problem

The usual hypocrisy - they do feel they own the black vote - and do not see people as individuals - only blocks of voters for or against their DPST/fascist agenda.