p411 has turned over client and provider info to le

I just got the following email from gina@p-411.com
Are these people for real that they turned over info on over 700 people without having gotten a subpoena, and these are paying clients. So don't be surprised that escorts will stop accepting references and will insist on full screenings for all new clients.

email to follow

Staff Edit: You may not post contents of emails. CZ

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Is this real?!
Wicket's Avatar
I received the same email, but I'm 99.99% sure it is a hoax. P411 uses @preferred411.com extension on its email addys.
Whoever sent that email didn't even know how to fake their email address - definitely a noob in the Internet world. Plus, it would not have been anything US whatever contacting her, but rather their Canadian equivalent as p411 is located in Canada. Where p411 is located, their views on consenting adults are much more relaxed than here in the US. It is quite common there for a Lady to earn a little extra cash for those new shoes, clothes, that vacation, etc. on her lunch hour or whenever. As long as there is no pimp involved, exchanging money for sex is legal. Registration is required along with regular blood tests if a Lady sets up a web site, etc, and goes into the business. Ah ... I can only wish the US would adopt that attitude one of these years.
bullet0's Avatar
I got the same email and forwarded it to Gina at P411. She confirmed that this was NOT something they sent. If you'll notice, the email address had a dash between the P and 411. This domain, p-411.com was registered two days ago. So this looks like some troll either trying to hurt P411 or the hobby in general.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Spoofed email coming from Gina@P-P411.com

Last night an email went out to a number of providers and clients listed on P411, that has been spoofed to look like it was sent by me.I did NOT send that email, and my email address is not anything@p-411.com.

Only some of the email addresses in the list are actually P411 members, so that leads me to beleive that those addresses were collected via fake ads post in various places, or other means. Our databases have not been touched.Obviously, someone is very intent on causing P411 problems right now, and I have made some enemies out of people who have been removed from the site.

If you have any questions or concerns, I'm here to address them. gina@preferred411.com

bullet0's Avatar
Gina has now added an announcement on the site saying the email is forged.
The email referenced is, indeed, a hoax. If you received it, just ignore it.

The Colonel
Wasn't the site's servers spammed to kingdom come earlier this week? Could it be another attack by the same perpetrator?
^^^^ Yes, to both of your questions and not atypical of a detemined perp to do that.
Looks to me like it is not unlike how some people simply get off on trying to make other peoples lives as miserable as their own. The old saying applies in this situation as it does in others, DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!
I have every confidence that this is being handled in the highly professional manner that anything else has been handled. Its obvious whomever it is, they are looking to see the response. By freaking out, their thrill sensors are going into overload. Don't give whoever it is the satisfaction they are seeking. Much like a pyromaniac watching people freak out at the fire they just lit.
Thanks for the update Gina, you are awesome.
Daphne77's Avatar
Thanks for clearing that up for me, also, GINA. I had received the same email @p-411.com and happy you made it clear that you are @preferred411.com. I was shocked when I read the email but glad to know you wouldn't toss us under the bus like that.

Thank you. I will continue to respect you and the site.
I just replied to what I thought was Gina and asked her if she realized that she cc:'d everyone instead of bcc:'ing them. Everyone's email address was showing. Oops!
I to replied to every one as it looked like a security breech.Thanks Gina for clearing that up. I will in the future look more closely at the senders address.