As each day unfolds we hear more and more about the Justice Department, the EPA, the IRS snooping into the affairs of private citizens. Some idiots still pass it off as justified because it is "those" people that are being investigated. Rep. McDermott tells to expect
investigations because we are not democrats. Now we hear Verizon gave up over 100 million customers on a request. Think about that; 100 million and Verizon does not control the market, how many people voted for Romney in the last election (59 million and change) and only a complete moron does not see that this poke was against democrats, independents, and republicans. It is a universal attack on all of us. Even Al Gore finally gets it so will that include CJ, Louise, Candy, SSOB, and FuckZup?
Also think of this; if not for the heat from Benghazi, the IRS, the Justice Department, Fast and Furious would we have heard about this little peccadillo? Or would the Obama regime still bein the business of shaking down the other wireless and phone companies to our ignorance. Ask yourself, would you like the world to know about your activities on this site or because of this site.