The Awaited Response to Review of me by Extraxi

Hello everyone, this is Carmen Alexandra. Apparently there has been a lot of controvery over a very inaccurate review written about me by extraxi.
There is some truth to this story, there is a lot that is absolutely made up. Yes I had my kid and her friend over. Mistake. Yes, by the end of the night I was hammered, he was very encouraging of me to 'drink up' and 'down my wine'. No, I did NOT do drugs or take any pills, though I was extremely tired by this point and was fighting sleep. Yes, I do have a male roommate and it is my ex. We haven't been able to afford to move out seperately yet, but he ALWAYS leaves before my clients arrive, and I lock both locks so even if he inadvertently tried to come in, he'd be locked out. My apartment is nice, clean and 100% safe. I have two small dogs, and they are crated if they act annoying.
The Story:
I had seen extraxi one time before at a low rate (as I was brand new) and he did pay. The session went fine. However, extraxi started contacting me several times a day afterwards, and I had to gently remind him multiple times that he was a client, not my boyfriend. I even told him I had a boyfriend to try and keep him from confusing the relationship. It was obvious he thought he had very strong feelings for me, and he had been making me uncomfortable with his multiple calls for weeks, and he constantly wanted to go do things and invited me to parties, etc, so I did not want to see him again because it was very obvious he could not get it through his head that we were not an 'item' and I was not going to see him for free. A time came when I was broke, I'd had some no shows and bills were piling up. Extraxi had called the evening before and asked to see me the next day. I told him no and that I had my daughter but maybe some other time. He was very adamant on seeing me anyway, as it was his only day off for awhile. He offered an extra $100 to come see me, and said we did not even have to do anything intimate he just wanted to spend time with me. I should have used better judgment and said no, but I was broke and for $400 and no intimacy required, I said ok. He came over early afternoon, the kids were playing in the pool but when he got there I was polite and told them it was time to go in, as I did not want him sitting in the heat. I got them in and settled in a seperate room with a movie. Extraxi and I talk and hang out for several hours, watch a movie or something, and it is starting to get very late and we are drinking. He hasn't paid me and the money hasn't been mentioned, so I went ahead and had some intimacy with him, as I figured that is what he was wanting or waiting for. Afterwards, we talk for awhile, the whole time he is holding me very close and whispering in my ear and being very creepy. I finally inquire about the payment, as it is about 2am at this point. As soon as I asked about the money, he flipped out. He said he thought 'we were friends' and 'why was i asking about the money, did i not trust him' and that he 'cared about me like no one ever could and i was being a bitch and treating him like a client'. I started to get a little scared, my roommate was NOT home, and my daughter and her friend were asleep in the other room. I told him he had promised me this money and to please pay it. After yelling at me some more he said he would get the fu*king money for my stupid whore ass. He left and never came back. No, he did not ever pay me. The next day I tried calling to confront him but he would not answer the phone. There were some email exchanges, in which I basically just told him I could not believe he stiffed me. He continued to refuse to pay. The last email he sent said "Compromise" and he proposed for me to just 'drop it' and he would write a 'glowing review' for me on here. I told him thanks but I didn't need a 'glowing review', I needed the money he owed me. That is when he wrote this bogus review. My friends saw it and told me about it, and there have been many posts so I figured I'd better write my side. So, there is the story. I will put an alert up on this guy so no one else has to go through this, and if anyone has any questions at all feel free to PM me. I'm very honest and will answer any questions. By the way I'm 31, 5'6, 110 pounds, and my teeth are absolutely perfect and my hair color is real and not 'stringy' at Sorry, had to correct that too it was bugging me. Thanks to all who take the time to read this, have a great day!!
Who made the popcorn?
Bwahahahhaaaa!!! I did!! And peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Wow! Glad your side has come out. Sorry you had to endure an a** of this nature and that you got ripped off as you did, sounds like you went above and beyond for this yahoo. Too bad you can't have him charged him with theft of that would be great! We need more recourse when things of this nature happen. Just keep thinking Karma,'ll come back on him in some form or fashion.
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