An Object Lesson on How to Conduct a Political Debate in a Civil Manner

...and a few of you may be very surprised to find out who delivered it!


Some months earlier, the OP started a thread on the same topic. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to take a drastic southward turn, and the insults started flowing like beer at a frat house keg party.

So he decided to try again, this time promising to refrain from insult-hurling if others agreed to follow suit. He and I discussed the issue, which is one that many people have been curious about for the last decade, in some detail. And a state of civility was maintained throughout the thread (at least on the part of the two primary participants -- a couple of bystanders tossed in the occasional snide remark).

That's how it should be done, folks!

Serious question:

Why can't more people discuss topical issues in a reasoned and civil fashion?

I realize that a lot of people won't give a rat's ass, or might even attack me for posting this. After all, a lot of people are simply here for the trolling.

But people unfamiliar with this forum might check in for the first time and see what a cesspool the place sometimes looks like, and not come back. Anyone with me on this, or am I simply tilting at windmills?

In any case, I respectfully request that the insult-hurlers just walk on by and pollute some other thread, as I wish to ask a serious question here.

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  • 10-08-2014, 03:18 PM
The only way we could have a Civil conversation around here would be by either government intervention (Read strong hand moderation) or free market incentives. I just do not see a way to commoditize civil discussion on here and do not want strong handed moderation.


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The linked discussion suggests that the maintenance of civility within a thread can occur without heavy-handed moderation if the OP implores others to try to act in a civil manner within that specific thread. But maybe it was just an accident that a degree of civility was maintained in this case.

I'm all for a spirited debate, and strongly-worded arguments obviously have their place. But when nonstop, over-the-top insults crowd out everything else, nobody learns anything. Of course, a lot of people have closed minds and aren't interested in learning anything, but I think it's beyond sad for someone not to have a curious mind and consider himself a lifelong student.
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I hate social media!
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That's what south west florida is all about!
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LMAO !!!
Many people believe that when you disagree with their ideas, point of view, and political favorites, you are attacking them personally.

For instance, I believe that President Obama is a smarmy little Demagogue who used his communication skills, (ie, the ability to read a TelePrompter), to hoodwink America into thinking he was qualified to be President. Many take this as a personal affront because they believe he can do no wrong.

I do not attack individules. But, I will attack their ideas and beliefs when I believe they are detrimental.
Many people believe that when you disagree with their ideas, point of view, and political favorites, you are attacking them personally.

For instance, I believe that President Obama is a smarmy little Demagogue who used his communication skills, (ie, the ability to read a TelePrompter), to hoodwink America into thinking he was qualified to be President. Many take this as a personal affront because they believe he can do no wrong.

I do not attack individules. But, I will attack their ideas and beliefs when I believe they are detrimental. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes, your impersonal attack on President Obama in this very post stands as a shining example to all of us. Thank you.
Many people believe that when you disagree with their ideas, point of view, and political favorites, you are attacking them personally.

For instance, I believe that President Obama is a smarmy little Demagogue who used his communication skills, (ie, the ability to read a TelePrompter), to hoodwink America into thinking he was qualified to be President. Many take this as a personal affront because they believe he can do no wrong.

I do not attack individules. But, I will attack their ideas and beliefs when I believe they are detrimental. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I just love coded language. Why don't you stop hiding behind your sheets. Take them off of your head it's 2014
I just love coded language. Why don't you stop hiding behind your sheets. Take them off of your head it's 2014 Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Oh now he's a racist? He said he's inclined to attack a persons view point not the person. There is a difference.

Calling President Obama a smarmy little Demagogue is Racist??

I sure am glad I didn't say something about the Left's other deity, that lying, phony bitch, Mrs Bill Clinton.
I just love coded language. Why don't you stop hiding behind your sheets. Take them off of your head it's 2014 Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You didn't even wish us a Happy White History Month... that's just rude!
Come on, Zanzibar.

Liberals should know by now that they rarely acquit themselves well when they suggest that people who lambaste Obama do so out of racial animus, when no ugly epithets or other statements manifesting racism are present.

It seems to me that Jackie skewers Hillary with equal frequency and fervor.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Isn't Hillary a swarmy little demagogue as well? I never noticed that she was black.

Anyway...critical debate is not something that most of these people are good at. Take a look at the first few posts. Some people take delight in proving that they are assholes. As for the racism, most of the ones making the charge are guilty of the charge. Taking someone down because of race is just the same as defending someone because of race. We've had a few confessions that some people refuse to criticize Obama just because of his race. Like I said, racism.