

Noun:A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality.
Verb:Assign or regard as belonging to a particular category: "conduct that is classed as criminal".
Adjective:Showing stylish excellence.
noun. grade - category - kind - sort - rank - genus - type
verb. classify - sort - assort - grade - categorize - range

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I hear this term "class" or "classy" thrown around a lot.

I was curious what people think of this term. What makes a person classy or to have class, or high-class?

Is it the name you chose here on eccie? Is it how you were born and raised? Is it having money? Is it dressing nicely? Is it wearing heels? Is it spending money extravagantly? Is it something you can eventually grow into? It is how you behave? Is it attitude?

I'm just a small town girl. I wear jeans, nikes and tshirts in the winter. I wear capri's, summer dresses and flip flops or wedge heels in the summer.

I don't have a lot of money, but I do have a home, car, can buy things if I need them or occasionally if I want them.

I'm just taking a look at myself, I suppose. I'm thinking about the type of person I am and the type of provider I am.

I think having class shows in the things you say, how you act with and toward others, how you treat others, and how you portray yourself.

I'm just really looking at myself here, and have been curious as to HOW a person can be deemed classy or having class, or if you just exude that descriptor.

I welcome all thoughts and opinions as to how you view someone as being classy or having class.
Check out the HDH thread in Diamonds & Tuxedos.
I'm asking in general of opinions - not as a HDH.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
I think class is about maturity, balance, and character. A person with class is not easily angered and does not seek revenge. Being accountable, dependable, trust worthy are standard with a person of class. Class is not really about money, more about confidence and consistency. Classy people are moderate emotionally. Never euphoric or completely in the dumps. Classy people don't need to take credit for things and don't mind helping others without regard for repayment. Self confident, honest, solid. Classy.
Tony, thank you. That's a wonderful definition. I appreciate that.

Do classy people describe themselves as classy?
I agree with Tony, that is pretty close to perfect.

No, I don't believe classy people would ever openly admit that they are classy, and would act embarrassed if you referred to them as such, because they are humble as well.
I agree with Tony, that is pretty close to perfect.

No, I don't believe classy people would ever openly admit that they are classy, and would act embarrassed if you referred to them as such, because they are humble as well. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
+1 I don't think most classy people even acknowledge their classiness, it just comes natural to them. It is not a face they put on the impress and seem superior to others. Money doesn't make you classy.
burkalini's Avatar
Class is not defined by a collection of wealth but a self perception and self worth that spills out to others. A pauper can have all the class in the world. Very over used word in the hobby
Naomi4u's Avatar
I agree with Tony, that is pretty close to perfect.

No, I don't believe classy people would ever openly admit that they are classy, and would act embarrassed if you referred to them as such, because they are humble as well. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums

I also feel that true high end providers don't claim to be high end - others see them as high end . BTW This topic has been beaten to death. Same as "What constitutes a HDH?" threads. Check out D&T.
canuckvic's Avatar
Class is not defined by a collection of wealth but a self perception and self worth that spills out to others. A pauper can have all the class in the world. Very over used word in the hobby Originally Posted by burkalini
I agree, class is not a symbol. It's the core of someone's soul. You either have it or you don't.
I think class is about maturity, balance, and character. A person with class is not easily angered and does not seek revenge. Being accountable, dependable, trust worthy are standard with a person of class. Class is not really about money, more about confidence and consistency. Classy people are moderate emotionally. Never euphoric or completely in the dumps. Classy people don't need to take credit for things and don't mind helping others without regard for repayment. Self confident, honest, solid. Classy. Originally Posted by tonytiger4u
I wish I had written that.
I was just speaking about people in general. I'm sorry if it's been beaten to death but it's been something I was thinking of in regards to myself and wanted other people's opinions.

I don't read the Diamonds & Tuxedos section. I thought it was for HDH's.
A classy person will know that he or she is classy and even own it. But to flaunt it deminishes or negates the class. A classy person knows themselves and neither claims to be more or less than they are.

One way to better understand the definition of any term is to understant its antonome (opposite). In general the opposite of classy is gutter or getto.
burkalini's Avatar
I was just speaking about people in general. I'm sorry if it's been beaten to death but it's been something I was thinking of in regards to myself and wanted other people's opinions.

I don't read the Diamonds & Tuxedos section. I thought it was for HDH's. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie

If you truly feel your classy then you probably are so keep thinking that way
Well we know one thing is for sure. Some of the HDHs THINK they have class, but they don't. You can't put a price on class.