Biggest Problems In Life

Fast Gunn's Avatar
What do you consider to be the biggest problems in your life?

Personally, I try to live a solution oriented life, but from time to time, it is good to take inventory and find out what is bothering most other folks.

From what I read, right now, financial problems seem to be on the front burner for most people, but let's see what others have to say.
burkalini's Avatar
Continuing to wake up for a long long time.
I consider myself to be very fortunate at this point in my life. Of course I would like to have more money but compared to people in other parts of the world I live like a king. My problem is with the people I call spoiled americans. About a week ago I'm in a coffee shop similar to Starbucks and I over hear a young woman say that she is "Stressed to the Max!" Now I'm thinking unless she or a loved one is sick or dying how bad can it be. She's buying a $5 cup of coffee, seems to be healthy and financially comfortable. Turns out after more eavesdropping she has some classes that are a little tough and she has to study. I laughed to myself and wondered how stressed she would feel if she lived in Syria right now or if she had to hunt or grow her own food like most of the world does. Sometimes we just need to take an inventory of what's important.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Temporary medical issue otherwise life is grand, I feel very fortunate

Sometimes I feel like the luckiest girl in the world as the simple things in life now make me happy

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Having to fabricate what I do for a living to my mom, dad, extended family, people at church, school and just about everywhere I go.

That is by far the most stressful part of mylife. The only people I never lie to are guys I meet that I plan on dating or seeing for a while.
Life is good right now.
My life is Not perfect, but I am getting there...
I have a friend who is losing her battle to breast cancer and another friend who might lose her baby that's still in her tummy.......

I don't have a fucking thing to complain about.
jsparrow's Avatar
Life itself is a very good thing. Enjoy and embrace every aspect of being.
cumalot's Avatar
Life's a bitch, then you die. So hold on to the good times and enjoy it to the fullest while you still can....
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I have friends who often try to sell me that line, but I am not buying it.

I prefer to think of life as a challenge and life can be wonderful, but only if you are up to the challenge.

. . . I believe that life only becomes a "bitch" when you cannot rise up to meet the challenge with a courageous heart!

Life's a bitch, then you die. So hold on to the good times and enjoy it to the fullest while you still can.... Originally Posted by cumalot
canuckvic's Avatar
I came to realize not so long ago life is very short. With that said let the little things slide off, no sense waisting precious time with things that at the end of the day, don't matter. Health is key! Use your time wisely, we're not here for a long time.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-17-2012, 01:23 PM
life stems from health, without that your very limited.

Its not the quanity of life, its the quality.

In loving memory of my Grandmother, Bless those who lay on their backs for years before they pass away.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
My biggest problem is geting over the Saints losing to the 49ers in the playoffs, no just kidding.

I am trying hard to fall out of love with someone right now, not easy to do, lol. Takes time, but each day I get better. I know I need to let her go completely and when I have felt enough pain I will, but she keeps calling me and my dumb ass keeps answering. Love is an addiction, people can do some dumb shit when in love. All I have to do is leave her alone, not answer her txts no calls, no contact. She is not good for me, it is that simple, my brain knows that but my heart is stubborn, lol.

I do jnjot need any more money, i am fine in that department. I live a pretty peaceful and happy life but damn emotions get in the way at times.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hey for a 22 year old black girl living in the south, I do very well for myself . I have a few enemies but like JayZ says "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one".