
I hope this doesn't offend anybody. I'm still new to this and don't know really anything so here is my question. How do you know or find out if a provider has any STD's? I mean, obviously we wear a condom, but certain STD's can still be transmitted through BBBJ. Just curious if there is a protocol to find out or way to know these things. Like I said I'm new and don't mean to offend anybody, if this does just chalk it up to me being stupid...
john353's Avatar
No offense taken, but this is a subject that comes up rather often. Try using "search" and type in STDs and I'm sure you can find several threads that you may find helpful in answering your questions

This "hobby" has risks just like a lot of other things we do in life. You have to either accept that and take necessary precautions, or find another hobby.

Good luck in your search for answers.